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(Testimony of Mrs. Lee Harvey Oswald Resumed)*Mrs. OSWALD. Yes. Senator RUSSELL. And be purchased, I believe a rifle or he had a rifle? *Mrs. OSWALD. By the time we got married, he already owned a rifle and he already was a member of a gun club in Minsk. Senator RUSSELL. From your testimony I gathered that he was not very active in the gun club in carrying on with his rifle?* *Mrs. OSWALD. No. He never went hunting except once during all the time that we lived in Minsk. Senator RUSSELL. Did he ever discuss with you his desire to meet any high official with the Soviet Government?* ** *MRS. OSWALD. No. Senator RUSSELL. He never did?* *Mrs. OSWALD. No. Senator RUSSELL. Do you know whether or not he carried on any correspondence? *The only instance I recall--when we filed an application for our returning to the United States, he visited some colonel, some Soviet colonel. Aksenov [spelling] A-k-s-e-n-o-v, in order to expedite the exit visas for us. I also visited this Colonel Aksenov. *Correction. He never got to see Colonel Aksenov because when he went to discuss this questioned in the whatever office that was--he talked to some junior officer, and they would not let him have an audience with the colonel. Senator RUSSELL. Did you go to see the colonel likewise? Senator RUSSELL. You were both there together? *Mrs. OSWALD. We never got to see him. I saw Colonel Aksenov later on. Senator RUSSELL. Was he a colonel in the army or in the militia or in the police or just what? Where did he get his rank?* *Mrs. OSWALD. He was a colonel in the MVD, which is the Administer of Internal Affairs. Senator RUSSELL. He had to do then with the Passports. His recommendation would have had to have been lind with the passports?* *Mrs. OSWALD. I think so. I do not know definitely, but that meeting was in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He was not dressed in a military uniform. Senator RUSSELL. Had you known the colonel prior to that time?* *Mrs. OSWALD. No; he introduced himself as Colonel Aksenov. *Mrs. OSWALD. When I talked to him concerning these documents for exit visas. Even if he were in a uniform, I would not have known what the insignia meant. Senator RUSSELL. If you didn't know him prior to that time, why is it you got to see him and Lee could not visit him?* *Mrs. OSWALD. When Lee went to see Colonel Aksenov in regard to the exit visas and other documents, he could not see the colonel. Then, on another later occasion, I went to see the colonel and they let me see him, on a later occasion. Senator RUSSELL. But you don't know why?* Senator RUSSELL. Did any of your friends or relatives intercede with the colonel in your behalf?* *Mrs. OSWALD. My uncle works in the MVD, but I'm sure that he did not discuss this matter of exit visas with Colonel Aksenov because I think he would have been afraid to talk about it. When my uncle knew that Lee and I were planning to go back to the United States, my uncle was afraid for his own job and for his own welfare. Senator RUSSELL. I knew you testified before that he did not want you to come to the United States, that your uncle did not. but he was working in the same line of work as this colonel was?*
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