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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. V - Page 234« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Henry Wade)

Mr. Wade.
Don't you have this memorandum?
Mr. Rankin.
Mr. Wade.
There is no use of me trying to give it to you.
Senator COOPER. I was just personally trying to get your recollection about it.
Mr. Wade.
He told' me this is what happened, and I said, "I can't put you on the stand without I am satisfied you are telling the truth because," I said, "We have got a good case here, and if they prove we are putting a lying witness on the stand, we might hurt us," and I said, "The only thing I know to do I won't put you on the stand but to take a polygraph to see if you are telling the truth or not."
He said, "I would be glad to." And I set it up and I later ran into him in the lawyers' club there and he handed me another memorandum which amplified on the other one, which all have been furnished to the attorney general or if we didn't lose it in the shuffle.
This was during the trial actually, and then when the man called me he took a lie detector. There was no truth in it. That he was in the place. He was in the place, in Ruby's Carousel, but that none of this conversation took place. He said he was in one booth and Ruby was in another booth.
Senator COOPER. Did anyone else tell you that they had seen Ruby and Oswald talking together?
Mr. Wade.
No one else personally has told me this.
Senator COOPER. You mentioned a girl.
Mr. Wade.
No, I never talked to her but we had the Dallas Police take an affidavit from her and so did the FBI of that which is in all your files. What her name is, I just know it is a waitress out at the B&B Care. She lived in Mesquite, Tex., and some of my people interviewed her and she told them the same thing she told the FBI.
The other information was in your FBI reports of where people or somebody who claimed he had seen them together in a YMCA, if I recall correctly, and another one in a store.
The report indicated these, all these people were homosexuals as I believe, or there was an indication of that.
I have an interview, in answering your question, in Lynn's first, but this is the only one I have talked personally about it. But the rest of them I got from reading the FBI and police files.
Senator COOPER. Lynn?
Mr. Wade.
I believe that is his first name, and he is a lawyer there.
Senator COOPER. He is the lawyer?
Mr. Wade.
That is the lawyer I am thinking about, I am trying to think of his name while I sit here.
Senator COOPER. Have you ever talked to anyone or has anyone ever talked to you or in your presence about Oswald and named any other person, other than Ruby, who they claimed were connected with Oswald in the assassination of President Kennedy?
Mr. Wade.
Senator, I don't believe anyone has talked to me. I have received, I guess 5,000 letters about this thing from all over the country, which I have down there. I remember somebody wrote me from West Virginia and said that in West Virginia that Oswald was in a used car business and Ruby was across the street from him.
Well, I furnished this information to the investigative agencies but as far as personally, I don't know of any. I have had a lot of letters that said they were connected but not based on anything.
Senator COOPER. But leave Ruby out now for a moment, did anyone ever tell you that Oswald was connected with persons other than Ruby in the assassination of President Kennedy?
Have you heard the names of any other persons who it is claimed had something to do with the assassination of President Kennedy?
Mr. Wade.
I don't know of any names. Of course, like I said there was the head of the Fair Play for Cuba, whatever his name was, was mentioned. Everything I know on that score was from the police. When I went up there Friday night and again I believe it was Saturday night or Sunday, they told
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