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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. V - Page 233« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Henry Wade)

Mr. Wade.
together places. There was some indication that Ruby was either bisexual or homosexual, but at least, I think they testified to that in the trial, I think by mistake.
Belli asked the man, meant to ask him another word and says, he meant to say homicidal tendencies and he said homosexual tendencies and his one witness said yes, sir.
That is in the record which you will get of the trial, I guess.
Mr. Rankin.
I understood you to say when you came home from church, after the killing of Oswald that you thought it was Ruby before you had heard that it was Ruby.
Mr. Wade.
You see, they announced Dallas businessman kills him.
Mr. Rankin.
Mr. Wade.
I took my family, I was in church with the family. I took them on home and on the way down there they kept---they didn't say who it was but this ran through my mind, a businessman.
I said that must be Jack Ruby the way he looked. He looked kind of wild to me down there Friday night the way he was running everywhere, you know, and I said to myself that must be him. I didn't tell my wife. You can't prove that. It is one of those things, that was my theory that he was likely the one. I couldn't, you know, out of a million people I couldn't say he was the one but when they announced his name I will say it didn't surprise me.
Mr. Rankin.
Mr. Chairman, what do you want to do about Mr. Carr?
Senator COOPER. Mr. Wade, can you name to the Commission the names of the persons who told you or who stated in your presence that they had seen Lee Oswald and Jack Ruby together?
Mr. Wade.
Senator COOPER. Start out with the first one, his name.
Mr. Wade.
If anybody would mention the lawyer's name, I know him--he has run for the legislature a number of times.
Senator COOPER. A lawyer who lives in Dallas?
Mr. Wade.
A lawyer in Dallas, and. he has--we have, he made a four-page affidavit about this thing, and mailed it to J. Edgar Hoover.
Senator COOPER. You can supply his name.
Mr. Wade.
We can supply his name and I would supply you with copies of his affidavit which I think you have.
Don't you have it, isn't that up here?
Senator COOPER. Without going into that in a moment, you can refresh your recollection and supply to the Commission the name of this lawyer.
Mr. Wade.
Yes, sir.
Senator COOPER. Had he talked to you?
Mr. Wade.
Yes, sir.
Senator COOPER. What did he say? Did he make a written statement to you or just talk to you?
Mr. Wade.
He handed me a written statement. He said, "The day after this happened I made this," it was a copy of a written statement, he said, "I sent this to J. Edgar Hoover in Washington." I am talking to him, we will say, the 10th to the 20th of February, the first time I talked with him.
He said, "I sent this to the FBI, to J. Edgar Hoover, special delivery air mail within a day or two after the assassination," and he left that and as far as I know I have got a copy of that, he left it with me.
He talked to me at length there at my house, just us, and I would say at 11 o'clock at night, it was on a Sunday night I know, but what Sunday night I don't know. It was on a Sunday night in February. I read that statement over. It is a rather startling thing. It didn't ring true to me. It all deals with a conversation between Oswald and Ruby about killing John Connally, the Governor of Texas, over, he says, they can't get syndicated crime in Texas without they kill the Governor.
I know enough about the situation, the Governor has practically nothing to do with syndicated crime. It has to be on a local, your district attorney and your police are the ones on the firing line on that, and they discussed at length killing him, how much they are going to pay him, "He wants five thousand, I believe or half of it now, and. half of it when it is done."
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