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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. V - Page 193« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Mr. Jack Ruby)

Mr. Ruby.
You have power to do it, even though the district attorney objects to me getting the tests?
Chief Justice WARREN. Yes; I do.
Mr. Ruby.
How soon can it be done?
Chief Justice WARREN. Well, I am not familiar with those things, but we will try to do it expeditiously, you may be sure, because we are trying to wind up the work of this Commission. And I assure you we won't delay it.
Mr. Ruby.
Are you staying overnight here, Chief Warren?
Chief Justice WARREN. No; I have to be back, because we have an early session of the Court tomorrow morning.
Mr. Ruby.
Is there any way of getting a polygraph here?
Mr. Decker.
May I make a suggestion?
Jack, listen, you and I have had a lot of dealings. Do you want my officers removed from the room while you talk to this Commission?
Mr. Ruby.
That wouldn't prove any truth.
Mr. Decker.
These people came several thousand miles to interview you. You have wanted to tell me your story and I have refused to let you tell me. Now be a man with a bunch of men that have come a long way to give you an opportunity to.
You asked me for permission to tell your story, and I told you "No."
This is a supreme investigating committee at this particular time. Now give them your story and be a man, if you want them to deal with you and deal fairly with you.
Mr. Ruby.
It is unfair to me unless I get all the facilities to back up what I say.
Mr. Decker.
You tell him your story. Nobody is denying it. You tell this man. He has come a thousand or more miles to listen to you. Now be a man about it.
Mr. Moore.
What I suggest--Jack, at one time I was a polygraph operator, and you would not be able to go through the entire story the way you have here.
So, seriously, you should tell the story and the things you want checked, you can be asked directly. Because you can only answer yes or no on the polygraph examination. So I think in view of what you want, you should tell your story first, and then the points that you want verified, you can be questioned on.
As the sheriff mentioned, the Commission has come a long way to have the opportunity to listen to your story, and I am sure that they know you are telling the truth, in any case.
Mr. Ruby.
I wish the President were right here now. It is a terrible ordeal, I tell you that.
Chief Justice WARREN. I am sure it is an ordeal for you, and we want to make it just as easy as we can. That is the reason that we have let you tell your story in your own way without being interrupted.
If you will just proceed with the rest of your statement, I think it would make it a lot easier for us to verify it in the way that you want it to be done.
Mr. Ruby.
I don't know how to answer you.
Chief Justice WARREN. Well, you have told us most of what happened up to the time of the incident, and you are almost within, you are just within a few hours of it now.
Mr. Ruby.
There is a Saturday.
Chief Justice WARREN. Beg your pardon?
Mr. Ruby.
There is a Saturday night. There is a Friday night. This is still only Friday night, Chief.
Chief Justice WARREN. Yes; that is true.
Mr. Ruby.
Well, I will go into a certain point, and if I stop, you will have to understand if I stop to get my bearings together.
Chief Justice WARREN. Yes.
Mr. Ruby.
I am in the Times Herald Building. I go upstairs, naturally.
Chief Justice WARREN. This is about what time?
Mr. Ruby.
This, I imagine, is--I left the KLIF at 2 a.m., and I spent an hour with the officer and his girl friend, so it must have been about 3:15 approximately. No; it wasn't. When you are not concerned with time, it could have been 4 o'clock.
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