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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. IV - Page 67« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Paul Morgan Stombaugh)

Mr. Stombaugh.
From the protrusion of the scales. Others will be very small, have a slight protrusion.
Mr. Eisenberg.
How was Oswald's?
Mr. Stombaugh.
It was a very small protrusion. The gapping of Oswald's hair was very slight. In other words, between the cuticle and the cortex, the cortex of course containing the color pigment in the hair, occasionally you will find hairs where there will be no color pigment in areas up near the cuticle. There will be a gap there.
Oswald's hairs, as you can see here, have some gapped areas in there but not too many. They are very irregular, and the gapping does not go down too deeply into the cortex.
Pigmentation of his hairs was very fine, equally dispersed, and there was some chaining together of the larger pigment granules noted. In other words, three or four of the pigment granules were chained together. Instead of being dispersed such as they are in Exhibit No. 666, you would have five or six of them chained together, forming a slight irregular-appearing streak.
Cortical fusi, the air spaces present in the hairs such as I have drawn here on Exhibit 666, were for the most part absent in his hairs. I found very, very few of them, and would term them absent in his hairs.
The medulla in the hairs, those that contained a medulla, was constant. It was a continuous streak for the most part. There were some slight broken areas in it. The hairs of Oswald, that did not have a medulla, there was not a trace of one present. It was completely absent. This is unusual. Usually, you will find that the hairs will contain a medulla and if not in the ones that pear not to, you can find traces of a medulla present. In his I didn't find any medulla at all in several of the hairs.
The root area of his hairs was rather clear of pigment and there was only a fair amount of cortical fusi present. As in drawing No. 666, in the root area, you ordinarily would find a large amount of cortical fusi which rapidly diminish as you proceed out the hair shaft, and in his there was Just a relatively few cortical fusi in the root area. I found this characteristic also in some of the hairs removed from the blanket.
Basically, that is the---those are the characteristics I used in matching Oswald's pubic hairs with pubic hairs from the blanket.
Mr. Eisenberg.
You have been discussing the characteristics of Oswald's pubic hairs. In each case were the characteristics of the pubic hairs you found in the blanket the same as those you have noted as being present in Oswald's pubic hairs?
Mr. Stombaugh.
Yes, sir; they were all identical.
Mr. Eisenberg.
That is as to protrusion of scale, absence of cortical fusi, chaining together to some extent of pigments, and so forth?
Mr. Stombaugh.
That is correct.
Mr. Eisenberg.
Without going through every item, every item you have named was identical?
Mr. Stombaugh.
Every item I have found in hair from the blanket?
Mr. Eisenberg.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Stombaugh.
Mr. Eisenberg.
Could you go on, please?
Mr. Dulles.
Just one second, off the record.
(Discussion off the record.)
Mr. Dulles.
Back on the record.
Mr. Eisenberg.
You have presented at this point a chart labeled "Microphotograph of Oswald's Limb Hairs" on the left, and on the right two subcaptions, "Hair from Blanket" and "Hair from Oswald," and do these were these photographs taken by you or under your supervision?
Mr. Stombaugh.
They were taken by me.
Mr. Eisenberg.
Are they accurate reproductions of the material which according to the captions they are photographs of?
Mr. Stombaugh.
Yes; they are.
Mr. Eisenberg.
I would like this admitted as 671, Mr. Chairman.
Mr. Dulles.
It will be admitted as 671.
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