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(Testimony of Paul Morgan Stombaugh)Had these two prints been enlarged at the same enlarging factor, the hairs on the left, would be much, much smaller than the ones on the right. This was just blown up to this size so the hairs could be seen. For instance, had we not blown these up, here we see them magnified 400 times, and this other photograph is a natural shot. Now, the characteristics we look for in making a hair match. First would be the color. The matches I found in Oswald's hairs. His hairs vary from light brown to a medium brown shade. This is the gross appearance. I looked at it under low power where I could see the entire length of the hair. Next, the thickness of the hair, or the diameter of the hair shaft. I found this diameter to be rather narrow for pubic hairs. Pubic hairs ordinarily are rather thick. Oswald's hairs were relatively narrow. Pubic hairs also have what we term nobbiness. You can see a nob right here, it is twisted---- However, in Oswald's pubic hairs we had very little of this. The hairs were very smooth. They lacked this nobbiness. The upper two-thirds were extremely smooth for pubic hairs. This was an unusual characteristic. The tips of Oswald's pubic hairs were not worn. They had a very sharp tip and very clear. Ordinarily pubic hairs are rounded at the tips, and not pointed--this is from wearing against clothing--at all. This would indicate to me that his pubic hairs were rather strong, much tougher than the average persons. The cuticle, in other words the very thin layer of scales covering his hairs, is very thin for pubic hairs. The scales exhibited a very small protrusion on the outside. The distance they protruded from the shaft of the hair is very slight.
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