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(Testimony of Alwyn Cole)(Commission Exhibit No. 818 was marked and received in evidence.) The letter "e" compares favorably not only as to form but the circumstance that here again the lowercase letter is mixed in with capital letters. Of course, that applies to the three letters "ide" associated with the other capital letter of that name, and that is a habit shown in many places in the standard writing. The "L's" have the compound curve across the base, which has previously been observed in the standard writing. In the name "Marina," the form of the capital letter "M" compares closely with the capital letter "M" shown on chart C, item 6, second line, the name "Mercedes." That same name shows the form of letter "A" with the retraced stroke on the left side which exists in many places in the standard writing. The name "Oswald" again shows this mixture of uppercase and lowercase letters, namely the circumstance that the "1" and "d" are lowercase forms, whereas the previous, the other four letters are upper case. The signature "L. H. Oswald," agrees with other signatures that I have examined, some of which are shown on the charts, chart A, item 15, chart B, item 15, and chart C, item 6, next to the last line, a close correspondence in all details, except that there is some confusion or overriding in the second letter of the last name in the area of the "s," which may be only an accidental imperfection in that particular area. Otherwise, there is a fairly clear showing of all the letters, and they agree with the standards. (Commission Exhibit No. 819 was marked and received in evidence.) I now show you a card, a paper card, which appears to be the same as Exhibit 819, except that there is no visible marking where the words "Chapter"-where the signature "Chapter President--A. J. Hidell" is written on Exhibit 819,
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