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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. IV - Page 329« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Winston G. , Accompanied By Fred B. Smith, Lawson)

Mr. Mccloy.
I have heard it rumored that there was a general routine in the Secret Service that when you were going through in a motorcade or by car, that the problem of watching windows was so great that you didn't do it. It was only as you came to a stop that it was the standing instructions that then roofs should be watched and places of advantage would be inspected or looked at. Is that true?
Mr. Lawson.
No, sir; the agents in the motorcade are to watch the route and the rooftops and the windows as they can. Of course there were thousands of windows there, over 20,000 I believe on that motorcade. But agents are supposed to watch as they go along.
Representative Ford.
An advance agent such as yourself goes to talk with local. police officials?
Mr. Lawson.
Yes, sir.
Representative Ford.
Do you have a checklist? Do you have a procedure in writing that you hand to a local law enforcement agent so that he is clear as to the responsibilities of himself and his people?
Mr. Lawson.
No, sir; I have no checklist, although myself I have a number of things that I have marked down from past advances and seeing what other individuals do that I usually try to follow.
However, every situation is so different. Sometimes there are motorcades and sometimes there are not, and it just wouldn't fit every situation.
Representative Ford.
But there is no specific list of instructions that the Secret Service gives to a local law enforcement agency?
Mr. Lawson.
Representative Ford.
At the time of the Presidential visit?
Mr. Lawson.
Representative Ford.
Do you think that it would be helpful?
Mr. Lawson.
It would be helpful in a general way. And it could be augmented to fit the situation.
Representative Ford.
In other words, if you had general instructions you could give those to the local law enforcement people, and as you say, for special circumstances, or different circumstances, you could augment them at the scene?
Mr. Lawson.
I believe it would be helpful. For example, I know that New York police have, because we were up there so often, and I just returned from there yesterday, they have a checklist of their own in the police meetings with the Secret Service that they go over, what time the arrival is, where he is going to be met, is it a motorcade, is it a helicopter, et cetera. But still there
are many more things that should be in there.
Representative Ford.
But I would think for every Presidential visit there would be certain mandatory things that would have to be done, areas of responsibility of Federal officials, areas of responsibility for local officials.
Mr. Lawson.
Yes, sir.
Representative Ford.
Such a memorandum or checklist I should think would be helpful in defining the areas of responsibility, being certain that there is no misunderstanding as to whose responsibility it is for A, B, C, or D operations.
Mr. Lawson.
I agree.
Mr. Stern.
Were any arrangements made to inspect buildings along the parade route?
Mr. Lawson.
No, sir; other than those buildings that we were stopping at.
Mr. Stern.
And this would be?
Mr. Lawson.
The Trade Mart.
Mr. Stern.
And Love Field?
Mr. Lawson.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Dulles.
Is it recognized in your business, if it is a fact, that a building that affords a window that looks down parallel with the motorcade is an unusually vulnerable point? Do you get the trend of my question?
Mr. Mccloy.
Parallel rather that at right angles?
Mr. Dulles.
Mr. Lawson.
I know that there are some windows that are more vulnerable than others, let's say.
Mr. Dulles.
That give a more vulnerable point of attack?
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