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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. IV - Page 179« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Jesse Edward Curry)

Mr. Curry.
male 30, 5 feet 10 inches, slender build, armed with what is thought to be a .30-30 rifle, no further description at this time."
This was at 12:45 p.m.
Mr. Rankin.
What channel are you talking about?
Mr. Curry.
Channel 1.
Mr. Rankin.
You had more than one channel?
Mr. Curry.
Two channels.
Mr. Rankin.
Mr. Curry.
Someone came in, they didn't identify themselves and came in and said what are they wanted for, and they said signal 19 which is a shooting under our code involving the President.
Representative Ford.
Did Tippit's motorcycle have channel 1?
Mr. Curry.
He was in a squad car and most of our squad cars have channel 1 and 2, but they stay on channel 1 unless they are instructed to switch over to channel 2.
Mr. Dulles.
He did have channel 1?
Mr. Curry.
Yes. Now within the minute of broadcasting, a little further on, squads 102 and 233 checked out at Elm and Houston, 81 came in the district squad, that was an Oak Cliff squad. He said "I will be going north from Industrial on Corinth." That means he was leaving the Oak Cliff section coming toward the downtown section of Dallas.
Representative Ford.
By he who do you mean?
Mr. Curry.
The man assigned to district 81, and I don't have his name but it would be on our records.
Then Tippit was working 78 and he along with district 87, which is further out in Oak Cliff, at about 12:45, between 12:45 and 12:46, the dispatcher sent out this message to him, "87-78 moving into central Oak Cliff area."
Now the central Oak Cliff area would have been the area nearby where this shooting occurred.
Representative Ford.
Shooting of Tippit?
Mr. Curry.
Shooting of Tippit occurred. I am sure---a little later on here, be says "you are in Oak Cliff area, are you not," and he said "at Lancaster and 8th", that would be just several blocks from where this shooting then occurred.
Mr. Mccloy.
This is Tippit's reply going in?
Mr. Curry.
Mr. Rankin.
The next sentence also says something, Chief?
Mr. Curry.
And the dispatcher told him, "You will be at large for any emergency that comes in." In other words, he was one of the remaining squads in Oak Cliff that was in service.
Mr. Dulles.
What does that mean, scout around the area?
Mr. Curry.
Anywhere in that central area, Oak Cliff.
Mr. Mccloy.
Did he reply to that?
Mr. Curry.
He said "10-4".
Mr. Rankin.
What does that mean?
Mr. Curry.
It means message received.
Mr. Rankin.
Doesn't that mean approval?
Mr. Curry.
Yes, sir.
Representative Ford.
These are transcriptions of communications back and forth?
Mr. Curry.
That is recorded on our radio there in Dallas.
Mr. Rankin.
Is there a tape recorder on that?
Mr. Curry.
Yes; and it is kept for a permanent record.
Mr. Rankin.
Was there any other shooting in this particular area where Officer Tippit was that morning, do you know?
Mr. Curry.
Not to my knowledge.
Mr. Dulles.
Is that 10-4 message the last message you received from Tippit?
Mr. Curry.
As far as I know that is the last word we heard from him.
Mr. Mccloy.
Was this description of the suspect the first description that went out?
Mr. Curry.
As far as I know, it is.
Mr. Dulles.
That was at 12:45, as I recall.
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