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(Testimony of Comdr. James J. Humes)(The document heretofore marked for identification as Commission Exhibit No. 391 was received in evidence.) Commander HUMES. Sir, I have not had the opportunity to personally examine the type of bullet which is believed to have been represented by this injury. However, I would estimate if I understand you correctly the total amount that was present in the President's skull and brain? Commander HUMES. Including the fragment? Commander HUMES. Including all these minute particles. I would say there was something less than one-tenth of the total volume of the missile. Commander HUMES. Yes, I do; sir. Commander HUMES. Yes, sir. One point I intended to make clear these fragments which I recovered from this position were turned over to the Secret Service. I presume that they have made physical measurements including the weight of them, and could give a much more intelligent estimate of the proportion than I. I would say, however, that we did not deliver these minute fragments because they were so small as to be essentially unrecoverable. So, obviously they were of a very small portion of the major missile. Commander HUMES. Yes, sir. Commander HUMES. No, sir, they were small, dust, of the size of dust particles. however- Commander HUMES. Yes, sir. From the photographs and based on the physical examination of this wound, yes, sir. Commander HUMES. The size of the defect in the scalp, caused by a projectile could vary from missile to missile because of elastic recoil and so forth of the tissues. However, the size of the defect in the underlying bone is certainly not likely to get smaller than that of the missile which perforated it, and in this case, the smallest diameter of this was approximately 6 to 7 mm., so I would feel that that would be the absolute upper limit of the size of this missile, sir. Commander HUMES. Yes, sir; and, of course, just a little tilt could make it a little larger, you see.
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