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(Testimony of Comdr. James J. Humes)Commander HUMES. Yes, sir. Senator COOPER. And the course of the fragment which was believed caused the large defect? Commander HUMES. Caused the large defect? Senator COOPER. How do you explain. Commander HUMES. The discrepancy? Senator COOPER. The difference in the courses. Commander HUMES. Yes, sir. As this missile penetrated the scalp, it then came upon a very firm substance, the hard skull, and I believe that this track depicted by the dotted lines on Exhibit 388 was a portion of that missile which was dislodged as it made its defect in the skull. And that--that another portion, and, as I say, presumably, by the size of the defect, a more major portion made its exit through the right lateral side of the skull. Commander HUMES. Yes, sir. Commander HUMES. It was both tables, sir. Commander HUMES. Yes, sir; had it only been one it might have been difficult to ascertain whether it was. Commander HUMES. Yes, sir; in or out, but it encompassed both tables, sir. Commander HUMES. That is our impression, sir. Commander HUMES. Yes, sir. Commander HUMES. Yes, sir. I will make a drawing of the posterior portion of the skull showing again this beveling which we observed at the inner table of the skull. Our impression is that as this projectile impinged upon the skull in this fashion, a small portion of it was dislodged due to the energy expended in that collision, if you will, and that it went off at an angle, and left the track which is labeled 388, which is labeled on Exhibit 388 from "A", point "A" to the point where the fragment was found behind the eye. Why a fragment takes any particular direction like that is something which is difficult of scientific explanation. Those of us who have seen missiles strike bones, be it the skull or a bone in the extremity, have long since learned that portions of these missiles may go off in various directions and the precise physical laws governing them are not clearly understood. Commander HUMES. There are many variables under these circumstances. The most--the crucial point, I believe to be the relative position of the President's head in relation to the flight of the missile. Now, this would be influenced by how far his head was bent, by the situation with regard to the level of the seat in the vehicle, off of the horizontal, and so forth. Commander HUMES. I think that that would have a tendency to accentuate this angle, yes, sir.
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