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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. II - Page 265« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of )

Mr. Mcwatters.
transfer and got off at the same place in the middle of the block where the lady did.
Mr. Ball.
Where was that near, what intersection?
Mr. Mcwatters.
It was the intersection near Lamar Street, it was near Poydras and Lamar Street. It is a short block, but the main intersection there is Lamar Street.
Mr. Ball.
He had been on the bus about 2 blocks?
Mr. Mcwatters.
About 2 blocks; yes, sir.
Mr. Ball.
Up to that time had you heard any sirens?
Mr. Mcwatters.
Not up until--now just about the time that, let's see, that is when I left Griffin, right about the time this gentleman got on the bus the traffic was starting and that was about the first that I can recall of hearing the sirens, but when, in other words, when they started it seemed to me like they was coming from all over town.
Mr. Ball.
Did you have a radio in your bus?
Mr. Mcwatters.
No, sir.
Mr. Ball.
Did you hear a radio from nearby cars announcing anything about the President's assassination?
Mr. Mcwatters.
Well, there was cars that were stopped alongside of the bus and I think someone raised the window but I couldn't hear. I never did hear anything outside of the--
Mr. Ball.
Where were you when you first heard the President had been shot?
Mr. Mcwatters.
Well, I was sitting in the bus, there was some gentleman in front of me in a car, and he came back and walked up to the bus and I opened the door and he said, "I have heard over my radio in my car that the President has been--" I believe he used the word--"has been shot."
Mr. Ball.
Is that when you were stalled in traffic?
Mr. Mcwatters.
That is right. That is when I was stalled right there.
Mr. Ball.
Was that before or after the man got off the bus that asked for the transfer?
Mr. Mcwatters.
That was before. In other words, at that time no one had gotten off the bus.
Mr. Ball.
What was your location then, near what street?
Mr. Mcwatters.
Between Poydras and Lamar, in other words, because I stayed stopped there for, I guess oh, 3 or 4 minutes anyway before I made any progress at that one stop right there and that is where the gentleman got off the bus. In fact, I was talking to the man, the man that come out of the car; in other words, he just stepped up in the door of the bus, and was telling me that what he had heard over his radio and that is when the lady who was standing there decided she would walk and when the other gentleman decided he would also get off at that point.
Mr. Ball.
At that point.
What course did you take after that?
Mr. Mcwatters.
Well, I still was going west, in other words, in the same direction, going west, in other words, towards Houston Street. In other words, I went there before I changed my course which was about, I would say, three or four blocks.
When I got to Houston Street, in other words, I turned to the left, which would be south--
Mr. Ball.
You went by the Texas School Book Depository Building?
Mr. Mcwatters.
Yes, sir; I turned at the corner of Elm Street and Houston which this book store is on the opposite corner from where I changed course there.
Mr. Ball.
Was traffic still heavy along there?
Mr. Mcwatters.
Yes, sir; the traffic was still tied up, but the police, they opened up a lane there, they had so many buses and everything that was tied up, they opened up, moved traffic around that they run quite a few of these buses through there.
In other words, from two blocks on this side of where the incident happened they had, in other words, they was turning all the traffic to the right and to the left, in other words, north and south.
Mr. Ball.
You went on down to Houston viaduct then?
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