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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. II - Page 195« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of James Richard , Jr. Worrell)

Mr. Specter.
Before you get to that, Mr. Worrell, let me show you a diagram which has been prepared here, which may be of some assistance to you in telling us your movements in running. I will mark this as Commission Exhibit 361 and ask Mr. David Belin, Staff Counsel, to make a statement as to the preparation of this exhibit for the record.
Mr. Belin.
The record will show that Exhibit 361 was prepared in the exhibit section of the Federal Bureau of Investigation by Inspector Leo. J. Gauthier and Eugene Paul Airy, exhibit specialist, with the assistance of Charles D. Musser, illustrator, with particular reference to showing the Texas School Book Depository Building, and the immediate area with relation to the parking lot that employees used.
Mr. Specter.
Mr. Worrell, take a good look at this. Study it for just a moment in order to get your bearings on this particular map. This is the Texas School Book Depository Building designated as such. This is Houston Street and this is the direction I am indicating that the motorcade, as you have described from the other exhibit, came from, a generally. northerly direction. This is generally north, and it made the left-hand turn which you have already described for the record, onto Elm Street Parkway going down the front there.
Now perhaps the best place to start on this is with this red pencil, to put a small "X" where you were standing on this map.
Mr. Worrell.
Where I was standing?
Mr. Specter.
Where you were standing.
(Witness marking.)
Mr. Specter.
Now will you describe your movement in running as you had started to a few moments ago, indicating with a line of the red pencil just exactly where you went and describe it as you go along.
Mr. Worrell.
Well, as I said on the third shot I was looking up and pivoting and turning to run at the same time. When I got here I heard the fourth shot.
Mr. Specter.
Indicating that you were at that point right at the corner of the building on Houston?
Mr. Worrell.
Making a turn.
Mr. Specter.
Having moved slightly to your left, and beginning to make a turn to go in a generally northerly direction on Houston Street?
Mr. Worrell.
I thought that was north.
Mr. Specter.
No, this is north, there is a symbol showing which is north.
Mr. Worrell.
Okay. Then I turned the corner, went right down beside the building on the sidewalk and when I got to the corner--
Mr. Specter.
Corner of what?
Mr. Worrell.
Of this building.
Mr. Specter.
Of the Texas School Book Depository Building?
Mr. Worrell.
Mr. Specter.
And what did you do there?
Mr. Worrell.
Cut directly across, kind of at an angle.
Mr. Specter.
Across Houston Street as you have drawn the red line there?
Mr. Worrell.
Yes, and I rested there, I was out of breath, I smoke too much, short winded.
Mr. Specter.
Will you mark that "Y" where you stopped and rested and tell us how long you stopped there?
(Witness marking.)
Mr. Worrell.
How long?
Mr. Specter.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Worrell.
I was there approximately 3 minutes before I saw this man come out the back door here.
Mr. Specter.
All right.
Now will you put a "Z" where you first saw, the man whom you have just described or mentioned?
Mr. Worrell.
It is here I am pretty sure, I am not positive.
(Witness marking.)
Mr. Specter.
You are pretty sure--but you can't be positive but you are pretty sure?
Mr. Worrell.
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