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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. II - Page 174« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Arnold Louis Rowland)

Representative Ford.
Did it ever enter your mind that you should go and tell the policeman of this sight or this vision that you had seen?
Mr. Rowland.
Really it didn't.
Representative Ford.
It never entered your mind?
Mr. Rowland.
I never dreamed of anything such as that. I mean, I must honestly say my opinion was based on movies I have seen, on the attempted assassination of Theodore Roosevelt where they had Secret Service men up in the building such as that with rifles watching the crowds, and another one concerned with attempted assassination of the other one, Franklin Roosevelt. and both of these had Secret Service men up in windows or on top of buildings with rifles, and this is how my opinion was based and why it didn't alarm me.
Perhaps if I had been older and had more experience in life it might have made a difference. It very well could have.
Mr. Specter.
Mr. Rowland, did the man with the rifle have any distinctive facial appearance such as a mustache or a prominent scar, anything of that sort which you could observe?
Mr. Rowland.
There was nothing dark on his face, no mustache. There could have. been a scar if it hadn't been a dark scar. If it was, you know, a blotch or such as this, there was nothing very dark about the color of his face.
Mr. Specter.
Mr. Rowland, will you recount as precisely and as specifically as you can, the exact conversation between you and your wife from the time you first noticed this man until your conversation about the man concluded, indicating what you said and what she said in language as closely as you can recollect it.
Mr. Rowland.
That is a whopper.
I am almost sure I told her or asked her, did she want to see a Secret Service agent. She said, "Where," and I said, "In the building there," and at that time she told me to look--I remember what she was looking at. Right directly across from us in this plaza in front of the pond there was a colored boy that had an epileptic fit or something of this type right then, and she pointed this out to me and there were a couple of officers there and a few moments later they called an ambulance, this is what she told me to look at then, and we looked at this for a short period

of time, and then I told her to look in the building, the second floor from the top and on that end, the two open windows, is I think what 1 said, and I said, "He is not there now."
I think that is what I said. She said, "What did he look like," and I told her just that--I gave her more or less a brief description of what he looked like, open collared shirt, light-colored shirt, and he had a rifle, I described the rifle in as much detail as I have to you to her.
Mr. Specter.
You described the rifle to her in as much detail as you have to us?
Mr. Rowland.
And then she said something about wishing she could have seen him but he was probably somewhere else in another part of the building watching people now. Then we were discussing again, just preceding that we were discussing the event with Mr. Stevenson, this was about 2 weeks beforehand, this was fresh on our mind, and right after that we started discussing that it was a security man.
We were looking around, we became very security conscious. We noted that policemen, I think there were maybe 2, maybe 3 on the viaduct itself; some 20 or 30, I would say 20 to 25 policemen being in that immediate area.
Representative Ford.
About what time, as you can best recollect, did this conversation with your wife take place?
Mr. Rowland.
About 5 minutes until about 22 after. I think I again looked at my watch.
Representative Ford.
After you and your wife looked up and saw that there was no one in the window, did you ever again look at the window? Mr. ROWLAND. Yes; I did, constantly.
Representative Ford.
And as you looked at the window subsequently did you ever see anything else in the window?
Mr. Rowland.
No; not in that window, and I looked back every few seconds, 30 seconds, maybe twice a minute, occasionally trying to find him so I could point him out to my wife.
Something I would like to note is that the window that I have been told the
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