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(Testimony of Seth Kantor)After trying over and over, I managed to talk to Mr. Egger again and tell him. And by now he was concerned with the Vice President, what was going to happen there, and should the office send another man down to start following Mr. Johnson. But Bill Stinson, who was--who is an aide to Governor John Connally, came in dressed in a doctor's uniform- -he had just come from the emergency room, and was mistaken for being a doctor. And I remember Kilduff or someone talking .to him before Stinson talked to us to tell us about 'the Governor's condition. I remember Kilduff saying, "1 o'clock, 1 o'clock, 1 o'clock." I didn't know what significance that had. So I guess that Malcolm Kilduff was there when we returned. Wayne Hawks, of the transportation staff of the White House, interrupted and said that a pool was needed immediately, and about four or five of us, perhaps as many as seven people altogether, followed him and ran down a stairway towards the main entranceway. I didn't know what a pool was needed for, and I was very reluctant to leave the hospital. But when I got outside in the main entrance area, I saw the Texas congressional delegation-- And I talked to Senator Yarborough again. And he said that the group was going to the airport immediately. And I knew then that the pool was formed to go out to the airport. However, I still didn't want to leave the hospital, because I know that my office was concerned with what was going to happen to Mr. Johnson. At the same time, I saw Mr. and Mrs. Johnson closely guarded coming out of the hospital, completely surrounded by men, and put into a car, and they sped away. I spoke to the mayor of Dallas, Earl Cabell. He was unable to furnish me with any information as to what was going to happen. I turned then and went back up to the second floor. Now, as I had told the FBI, it was either at this point or it was at a point originally when I went up behind Malcolm Kilduff that I spoke with Jack Ruby.
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