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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XV - Page 725« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Prof. Revilo Pendleton Oliver)

Mr. Oliver.
Mr. Capell and quite possibly some of these conversations with people in Dallas.
Mr. Jenner.
When you say people ,in Dallas, who are they, are they people who had any firsthand knowledge of this ?
Mr. Oliver.
Most Of them residents of Dallas whom I knew in one way or another in speaking and so on, but none of them had any personal knowledge of the assassination, so far as I know.
Mr. Jenner.
My question related to your statement that he was sent in Dallas in November of 1963 where a job in a suitably located building had been arranged for him. Did any of these people purport to have any personal knowledge of that matter?
Mr. Oliver.
Only what they had heard concerning the way in which he obtained his employment; yes.
Mr. Jenner.
Their sources, in turn, were newspaper reports and rumors and things of that nature at large in the community.
Mr. Oliver.
I would think so; yes.
Mr. Jenner.
Proceeding to page 14, I won't read all of the paragraph, it begins at the bottom but you Just glance at it, you refer to the fact that he shot the President from ambush, and then he escaped and you surmised that he would have reached Mexico but for some mischance and the intervention of Officer Tippit, and you conclude that paragraph with a sentence, "He was accordingly liquidated before he could make a complete confession." The implication of that sentence is that he was killed, his death was procured by some evil source, being, I take it, the Communist conspiracy or Communist Party to which you have had reference. Am I correct about that?
Mr. Oliver.
That is what I regard as a reasonable inference from the facts; yes.
Mr. Jenner.
It was an inference that you drew.
Mr. Oliver.
Mr. Jenner.
Now you state in the next sentence, "There are many other significant data but I have stated the essentials." What other significant data are there or were there at the time you made that statement. I might interJect as you are pondering that, to a learned man such as you, at the word "data" as you used it meant your sources?
Mr. Oliver.
Yes; facts. It would be difficult for me at the moment to remem-
ber and reconstruct completely what was in my mind, the list of data there.
Mr. Jenner.
Give me the best; just do the best you can, sir.
Mr. Oliver.
However, I would have particularly taken into consideration as significant data the various indications of contacts between Oswald and Rubenstein, known as Ruby, the man who killed him, prior to the' assassination. That would include such matters as a statement made by a, should I say, the announcer or director of a program called "Open End."
Mr. Jenner.
Open End?
Mr. Oliver.
Open End, on a local Dallas station--this is not the national program as I understand it--to the effect that he had seen Rubenstein behind the Depository shortly after the assassination. The statement of the owner of a tourist lodging, should we say, in Waco, that a man whom she identified as Oswald had stayed at her place and had been joined by a man whom she identified as Rubenstein. By the statement of a mnemonics expert in Rubenstein's club that he had seen Oswald.
Mr. Jenner.
When you say "club," you mean the Carousel Club?
Mr. Oliver.
Carouse Club, actually a striptease joint, that he had seen Oswald in the club shortly before and as he later stated the day before the assassination.
Mr. Jenner.
Whom did you say this was that made this report?
Mr. Oliver.
This was a man named Bill Crowe.
Mr. Jenner.
Mr. Oliver.
Mr. Jenner.
Where did you, see that report or how did you see it?
Mr. Oliver.
That was reported. in the press at the time. And was later confirmed by a special interview with him that was published in the National Enquirer.
Mr. Jenner.
Do you have that issue of the Inquirer with you?
Mr. Oliver.
I do not but I believe you will find a reference to it in the issue that I have given you there.
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