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(Testimony of Nancy Monnell Powell)Mr. GRIFFIN. At that time, were you living at South Ewing? Mrs. POWELL. No. I quit before then. I was living on South Ewing, and there was a girl working up there that is married then to the emcee, and they were always, that doesn't work out in show business too well. Mr. GRIFFIN. Wally Weston? Mrs. POWELL. And his wife, Shari. Mr. GRIFFIN. Was she working there as a stripper at Jack's place? Mrs. POWELL. Yes. There is always a lot of confusion when they were around. They were kind of tough. Really, they are. They think they are great stars, and they cause trouble for other people, and I don't need it, because I can work, and I didn't feel like I could take it. But anyway, we had some trouble, and I quit. This must have been in March, because I remember the weather wasn't bad. It was still cool, but it was like the summer, sun was shining. It was March or April. Let me think, March or April. Must have been March or April, I guess. I don't really know. I can't remember. But anyway, I quit, and I told him I would never work up there again as long as they were there. And I worked some place else. I guess I went to Tulsa. I guess that is where I went. I worked some place. I came back. It was in December, the month of December I worked in Oklahoma City for 4 weeks of this past year, and I came home for Christmas. And he called me. He has a partner, wanted his partner to ask me to come back. Mrs. POWELL Yes. But Jack didn't want to. Jack and I really had it all the time. I don't know, either Ralph asked me or he did, but anyway, I went back. I told him I wouldn't work with them, so he fired this Shari so I would come back. Mr. GRIFFIN. When was it that you came back? Mrs. POWELL. Wait a minute. I was up there in December, and New Year's Eve I worked in Fort Worth for the Skyliner. Mr. GRIFFIN. Which year, New Year's Eve? Mrs. POWELL. This past New Year's, this year. Mr. GRIFFIN. 1964. You are on beyond the assassination at this point? Mrs. POWELL. Am I really? I-- Mr. GRIFFIN. Yes; you are. Mrs. POWELL. Oh, yes, yes; I am. Yes; I am way beyond. Sure that had already happened when I was in Oklahoma. Mr. GRIFFIN. You left Jack around March of 1963? Mrs. POWELL. Wait a minute. I know I went to Tulsa, and I worked the last 2 weeks in March. I stayed in Tulsa in March, and I worked 2 weeks in Kansas City, and came back, and stayed in Tulsa, until June 2, and I came home. Mr. GRIFFIN. Then did you come back and work for Jack? Mrs. POWELL. Wait, don't rush me. That was last summer. How did I get up way past the assassination? It was last summer. Well, I worked for Jack up until 2 days before the President was assassinated. I closed on Tuesday. It happened on Thursday, didn't it? Mr. GRIFFIN. Friday. Mrs. POWELL. Then I closed on Wednesday, because it was just 2 days before the President was assassinated. Mr. GRIFFIN. How did you happen to quit? Mrs. POWELL. I got mad at him. Let me see if I can remember what it was about now. I don't even remember--something. He always had something going, you know; but I got mad and quit for some reason. Mr. GRIFFIN. Did you give him any advance notice? Mrs. POWELL. Oh, yes; I gave him notice. Mr. GRIFFIN. How much notice? Mrs. POWELL. A week's notice. Under union contract rules, you have to give the employer a week's notice, and he has to give you 2 weeks, if you are booked indefinitely like I was. Mr. GRIFFIN. Are these the AGVA rules?
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