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(Testimony of Nancy Monnell Powell)Mrs. POWELL. Let's see-- Mr. GRIFFIN. You indicated something about being in Kansas City? Mrs. POWELL. I get confused on these things, because when you just skip around, you don't--let's see, did we establish I was working for him in January of-- Mr. GRIFFIN. New Year's Eve of 1963 you said you were working for him Mrs. POWELL. I lived over here for a while in the same apartment building he did. Mr. GRIFFIN. Did you live on Ewing Street? Mrs. POWELL. Yes. Mr. GRIFFIN. 223 South Ewing Street? Mrs. POWELL. Yes. Mr. GRIFFIN. Jack didn't move there until about the first of the year? Mrs. POWELL. We moved in at the same time. Mr. GRIFFIN. You did? Mrs. POWELL. Yes. Mr. GRIFFIN. Were you living with him? Mrs. POWELL. No. I wasn't living with him, the ugly thing. I had an apartment. I presume you have seen his apartment and everything and know about it. My apartment was right here. Mr. GRIFFIN. Across the hall? Mrs. POWELL. Actually, I was away down here in the corner, and you had to walk around this corner, and my apartment was right here. Mr. GRIFFIN. Were you living there alone, or with somebody else? Mrs. POWELL. I lived there part-time alone, and this other girl that danced here was my roommate for awhile when she was in town. Mr. GRIFFIN. Who was that? Mrs. POWELL. Raven. Mr. GRIFFIN. Did you live there before you went to Oklahoma City, or after you went to Oklahoma City? Mrs. POWELL. That was the last time that I quit, was while I was living there, and I have forgotten when it was. Now, in January I lived there. I moved in about the same time he did, because the apartment was a brand new building, and I was living down on Ewing, but further down, and there were a bunch of people living there that were kind of loud and it wasn't a very good environment, and Jack didn't think I should live there, and they were always fighting and calling the police, and he looked at this apartment, and he was going to move in. He was real enthused about them, they were so great, and he got me to go down there and look at them, and I got an apartment there, because I don't like to stay by myself. I am real scary. I always think somebody is to follow me home and do something to me, and I wanted to live in the same building as Jack so if I had any trouble, I would get him to help me. Mr. GRIFFIN. Let's go back to last summer. Were you working for Jack last summer? Mr. GRIFFIN. You moved into that apartment sometime the early part of 1963, and then when you went to Oklahoma City, did you move out of the apartment? Mrs. POWELL. You see, I quit the last time. It was while I was living in the apartment building. That is when I quit, and I didn't come back. No, I came back one more time. and I left just 2 days before this happened, from the Carousel, then I was gone, and I came back after. Mr. GRIFFIN. When you quit Jack on November 20, that is 2 days before the President was shot--
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