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(Testimony of Eva L. Grant)"Fine. Do you know where Jack is at?" And I said, "No." Now, we talked about different things, and then he was almost gone, and hanging on, and he said, "Are you watching television, Mrs. Grant?" And I said, "Yes." I was watching, but I wasn't listening. And he said, "I don't want any money." And he said, "Are you all right?" And I said, "Yes." See, he probably--I never got to talk to Leonard. I wish he would come to see me. I don't know whether he knew of something or what, and he was hemming and hawing over the phone, I didn't get a chance to put the phone down a second, not a second. The phone rang and Andy said, "Mrs. Grant, this is Andy. Where is Jack? Is Jack with you? And I said, "No. He is at home." He said, "No, he is not at home." I said, "Listen, you know when Jack takes a shower--ring him again." And he said, "I rang four or five times. " I said, "Hang up and call again." And he said, "Mrs. Grant, I rang." I said, "If he is in the bathroom, he isn't going to hear the phone." And we talked--I don't know if he knew. I mean, this I found out he knew. I asked him about 2 weeks later, or a week later, and he knew about it. Wait a minute, I am not through. The phone rang again, and I want to tell you, you may know I put on water for boiling--Madeline Blainey was on the phone. By this time I got to the television. I only had to walk from there to a few feet. I had it on that wall, maybe 9 feet, and I turned it up, and this is what I heard, "John Logan, no Jack Luby." I wanted to back in the kitchen with the phone, and I wasn't walking too much, and I turned it down. Madeline is on the phone and says, "How do you feel?" And I said, "Fine." I am talking to her, and I turned the damn thing down. I saw--this is rerun---if it is, I don't know--I actually saw what the other people saw. This is my conversation with Madeline and why they never went to see her, I will never know. I am watching it. "Don't forget," I said, you get the name, repeat the two names. But I turned it down, because it was too close to the phone. I wasn't going to go out of the living room, and I wasn't going to eliminate one or the other. I wanted to be sure I know both things are going on. I said, "How are you," and she said, "OK, who is there?" And I said, "Who would be there." I am wearing my mu-mu my daughter-in-law sent me for Christmas, and I wouldn't dare let anyone in. I am shooting my mouth off about Joe Johnson. I have a great admiration--he's a colored boy been with us 8 years. He told me, "We had a fight, not 130 fights, but a fight." I said, "Madeline, I want to apologize for sort of neglecting you," because when I was in the hospital, Madeline and Joe came walking in the very same time to visit me in the hospital. Here both walking in. Madeline and I understand, but this is' the guy we want as a band leader to come back.
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