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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XV - Page 339« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Eva L. Grant)

Mrs. Grant.
ing them, and this is on the paper, "Impeach Earl Warren," and he thinks this is commies and Birchers. That is when it all came, to remember about Birchers, and I know very little about them, and I know less about communism.
Mr. Griffin.
Did he mention any literature by H. L. Hunt?
Mrs. Grant.
He had that literature for some time. I think he had that literature a couple of weeks.
Mr. Griffin.
Did he talk to you about that literature after?
Mrs. Grant.
Yes; he hated him.
Mr. Grant.
Hated whom?
Mrs. Grant.
H. L. Hunt.
Mr. Griffin.
When did he mention this to you?
Mrs. Grant.
He don't have to say he hates. I know my brother. If a man looks at his wife, he don't have to tell me. He implies he hates her. This was something--he went someplace and he told me something that, I think we read this in the paper. I will be honest about it, that at the World's Fair they don't want them in. I don't know where I got the information.
Mr. Griffin.
Do you remember any radio script he got from H. L. Hunt?
Mrs. Grant.
It seems to me the day I was in his car, he took me from the hospital, and I think he had it in there before I even went to the hospital., I don't know. It seems to me in October or September I seen something that my brother didn't like in Life Line. I can't use the words for this machine.
Mr. Griffin.
Can you remember any other phone calls that he made on Saturday from your apartment?
Mrs. Grant.
He made a lot of them. He was there until almost 8 o'clock, or 10 after 8. He did not leave before 7:30, and he was out of my house before 8:30, but he spent a good 4 hours Saturday, and he slept a little bit. He said he hadn't slept for two or three nights.
Mr. Griffin.
Did he call Tom O'Grady from your apartment?
Mrs. Grant.
He may have.
Mr. Griffin.
Do you remember that?
Mrs. Grant.
In the back of my mind, he may have; yes. Now, I don't know. You know what, I am going to tell you something. I wasn't too, what do you call it when you can't recall your thoughts--it was 2 terrible days. It was the worst days for me than a lot of people, because I was taking pills.
Mr. Burleson.
Mrs. Grant.
No; I was more like in a trance. I was sick physically. I was taking these pills. The shock of the President knocked me off gear. I thought the world was coming to an end. My brother sitting there like a broken man crying. All this went until days for me.
Mr. Griffin.
Did Jack call Ralph Paul from your apartment?
Mrs. Grant.
Yes; I think he did. He may have even called Friday, I don't know. If it is on my bill.
Mr. Griffin.
Did you call Ralph?
Mrs. Grant.
No. I think I called him that following Sunday, the 24th.
Mr. Griffin.
But you didn't call him on Friday or Saturday?
Mrs. Grant.
No; I had very little business with Ralph Paul. Not that I remember. It would have to be an exceptionally good reason, and I don't know what reason it would have been.
Mr. Griffin.
Did Jack receive a telephone call from Little Lynn while he was at your apartment?
Mrs. Grant.
Not that I can recall. The phone did ring, but I couldn't say who it was. But I remember the Friday night, because Andy called.
Mr. Griffin.
Do you recall the telephone call from somebody asking Jack for some money on Saturday night?
Mrs. Grant.
I remember I spoke with Leonard Wood about he wanted some money. Either I picked up the phone I thought it was Friday night. Now, if it wasn't, I am quite mixed up. In fact, until recently, I forgot about giving him $10 until Sunday morning, and this only came to me recently.
Mr. Griffin.
Mrs. Grant, on Saturday night from your apartment, did Jack call a man named Lawrence Meyers?
Mrs. Grant.
Mr. Griffin.
Do you know Lawrence Meyers?
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