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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XV - Page 321« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of George William Fehrenbach)

Mr. Fehrenbach.
best of my ability and knowledge right now. I know since I first told the FBI there in Medford about this that I thought it could possibly be the same man, the wife and I have talked it over on many occasions, and I have racked by brains trying to think of anything else that would .be pertinent to it but I--
Mr. Griffin.
You used the phrase that it possibly be the same man?
Mr. Fehrenbach.
Yes. I told the FBI in Medford that I could not definitely swear it was the game man but his facial features and things leads me to believe that It could possibly be. And I didn't really draw that conclusion until, and it is like I told them, I couldn't actually draw that conclusion until after I had heard his name was Jack Rubenstein and he was from Chicago and then when I seen the picture of him, and it did very definitely look quite a bit like the Jack Rubenstein I knew, only somewhat older, because well I don't know, the pictures I have seen of him since he shot this Oswald, he has always been rather sloppily dressed and when I knew him he was always very well dressed.
Mr. Griffin.
Well, I certainly appreciate your--go ahead.
Mr. Fehrenbach.
Of course, he is a lot paunchier now then he was.
Mr. Griffin.
It is a number of years, 18 years have passed. I want to thank you for coming here all the way from Oregon, and helping us with this. We appreciate any cooperation we can get in this matter. I don't have any more questions, and if you don't have any more, why, we can recess, adjourn.

Eva L. Grant

Testimony of Eva L. Grant

The testimony of Eva L. Grant was taken at 2 p.m., on July 25, 1964, in the office of the U.,S. attorney, 301 Post Office Building, Bryan and Ervay Streets, Dallas, Tex., by Mr. Burt W. Griffin. assistant counsel of the President's Commission. Mrs. Grant was accompanied by her attorney, Mr. Phil Burleson. Mr. Ernest Conner was also present.
Mr. Griffin.
Let me introduce myself again for the record. I am Burt Griffin, and I am a member of the general counsel's staff of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy.
This is the second appearance, I believe, that Mrs. Grant has made before a staff member of the Commission, and I will not repeat for you the things that are routinely said at the beginning of each one, because I know you have heard them already.
I simply tell you that the primary purpose for coming back here again to talk to you is because we would like to get in a detailed form an orderly chronological formal statement of your activities on November 22, 23, and 24.
When we have completed that, I understand that you have a good many papers that you would like to present to us, and we will be happy to take whatever time is necessary to receive those.
I am hopeful we can get through the statements of your own activities in a fairly quick and orderly fashion.
So, if you will raise your right hand, I will administer the oath to you.
Do you solemnly swear that the testimony you are about to give will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?
Mrs. Grant.
I do.
Mr. Griffin.
Would you state again for the record, your name?
Mrs. Grant.
My name is Mrs. Eva L. Grant.
Mr. Griffin.
Mrs. Grant, where were you when you heard that President Kennedy had been shot?
Mrs. Grant.
I Was sitting in my living room.
Mr. Griffin.
Was anybody with you at that time?
Mrs. Grant.
Not at that time.
Mr. Griffin.
How did you get word, over the radio or television?
Mrs. Grant.
Pauline Hall called me on the phone, and I believe it was shortly--Pauline Hall called shortly after 12:30, at least I believe it was that, and said, "What are you doing?" And I said, "Nothing."
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