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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XV - Page 166« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Harold J. Fleming)

Mr. Fleming.
No traffic problems at all.
Mr. Hubert.
Goin and Dietrich were in the other car?
Mr. Fleming.
That's right.
Mr. Hubert.
Where did they park?
Mr. Fleming.
They parked initially on the south side of Commerce Street facing east diagonally from the entrance, diagonally to the left from the entrance.
Mr. Hubert.
What did you do between the time that you first arrived until the firing of the shot? Perhaps I should ask you first, did you hear the shot?
Mr. Fleming.
Yes; I heard the shot.
Mr. Hubert.
Then from the time you arrived until you heard the shot, would you tell us what you did?
Mr. Fleming.
After I met Chief Batchelor, we both got into the back end of the truck, and Chief lifted the mattresses from the bunks and inspected the rear and asked about a mechanism we had there which was a hydrovac brake, and I explained to him that was a brake for the back end so that the men from the rear could control the brake system of the car in the event of a holdup, and he commented, "We don't want him to sit over here, and we will put him on the other side." I had the keys and I couldn't unlock the door to what we call the money compartment or the center compartment of the truck. I have been speaking previously of the rear compartment where the men stay.
I then left Chief Batchelor and went around to the outside, opened the door to the center compartment, and then opened the door from the center compartment to the rear from that side so that it could be opened in the event that they wished to have a guard force in the center compartment of the car. I then went to the street and talked to Mr. Goin and explained that I thought that their car possibly should go first, not having had any instructions from anybody, and sort of watch the police car and determine where to go. I went back inside, again went in the ,truck for some reason, I don't know, and again came to the outside. At that point there was a squad car in front of our parked armored truck, and I asked the officer if his was going to be the lead car, and he said, "So far as I know; yes." Well, I was going to ask this other armored car to go ahead, so I then went to Mr. Goin and suggested that he follow the larger truck.
Mr. Hubert.
Mr. Goin was at that time seated or standing by the smaller truck?
Mr. Fleming.
He was standing by his truck. From that point, I don't know why, I went over to the front of our truck toward the passenger's side, and it was at that point that I heard the noise that sounded like a cap pistol.
Mr. Hubert.
When you first noticed the police car in front of the truck in the street, was it just coming up, or was it already in place?
Mr. Fleming.
It was parked in front of our armored truck.
Mr. Hubert.
You were standing in front of your armored truck?
Mr. Fleming.
I Was standing over on the passenger's side of the armored truck after I had talked with Goin about his relative position to our truck once we started to move.
Mr. Hubert.
What I was thinking about is, that prior to talking to Goin, you had seen the police car parking, you said, that you spoke to the driver?
Mr. Fleming.
I came out. When I came out, the car was parked in front of our truck, and I asked the officer driving if he was going to be the lead car.
Mr. Hubert.
So that you walked from across the sidewalk to the car?
Mr. Fleming.
No, no. The police car was backed into the driveway.
Mr. Hubert.
Parked in the driveway and headed out?
Mr. Fleming.
The back end of the car was up against the front bumper of our truck, so to speak.
Mr. Hubert.
So you simply walked to the driver's seat and asked him what he was going to do, and he told you what he said?
Mr. Fleming.
Then I crossed the street diagonally to talk to Goin, who was standing on the outside of his car.
Mr. Hubert.
How far was Goin from you when you were standing talking to the officer?
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