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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XIV - Page 595« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Bell P. Herndon)

Mr. Herndon.
pneumograph tracing. However, there is no significant deviation with regard to his overall physiological pattern when he responded to this question. In general, series 8 shows no significant deviation from his normal physiological pattern. The total chart minutes was 2 minutes 50 seconds.
Mr. Specter.
You have now then given us all of the relevant findings on series No. 8, correct?
Mr. Herndon.
Correct, sir.
Mr. Specter.
I now hand you the chart designated series No. 9 marked Herndon Deposition Exhibit No. 10, and ask you if there was any unique system employed in that series.
(Herndon Deposition Exhibit No. 10 was marked for identification.)
Mr. Herndon.
Yes, there was at this point in the interrogation. Realizing the Commission had a large number of questions they wanted to ask, it was decided at this point, in view of the fact that we had asked the main critical questions, to proceed with what I call direct interrogation, that is that each and every one of the questions asked is a relevant question, and that there are no irrelevant questions or control questions asked.
Mr. Specter.
Would you proceed then to give us the results of those questions.
Mr. Herndon.
Did you want me to itemize each and every one of these questions or read them out? They are all relevant questions and a matter of record.
Mr. Specter.
Yes, please do.
Mr. Herndon.
Series 9 contains 7 questions, all being relevant.
Question No. 1: "Did you ever meet Oswald at your post office box?" Mr. Ruby replied "No."
Question No. 2: "Did you use your post office mail box to do any business with Mexico or Cuba?" Mr. Ruby replied "No."
Question No. 3: "Did you do business with Castro Cuba?" Mr. Ruby replied "No."
Question No. 4: "Was your trip to Cuba solely for pleasure?" Mr. Ruby replied "Yes."
Question No. 5: "Have you now told us the truth concerning why you carried $2,200 in cash on you?" Mr. Ruby replied "Yes."
Question No. 6: "Did any foreign influence cause you to shoot Oswald?" Mr. Ruby replied "No."
Question No. 7: "Did you shoot Oswald because of any influence of the underworld?" Mr. Ruby replied "No."
In interpreting his chart with regard to this particular series of questions, there is no noticeable significant deviation in his physiological pattern except at question No. 6. According to my notation on the chart, Ruby moved his head at this point, and there was a deviation caused by this movement in his blood pressure tracing and also in his pneumograph tracing. His heart rate maintained a consistent rate of approximately 66 to 72 heart beats per minute throughout this series. No significant changes.
Mr. Specter.
What was the total time on that series?
Mr. Herndon.
The total chart minutes on series 9 was 2 minutes 15 seconds.
Mr. Specter.
Have you now given us all the relevant factors from that series reading?
Mr. Herndon.
Yes; I have.
Mr. Specter.
Let the record show that you are going to proceed with series 9A which is a continuation of the sheet marked Herndon Exhibit No. 10.
Mr. Herndon.
This was done in order to save time inasmuch as the interrogation was becoming rather lengthy at this point, and Mr. Specter indicated he was anxious to proceed and to complete the rest of the questions that we had agreed upon with all those parties that were interested in this interrogation. Series No. 9A again is a series of relevant questions.
Question No. 8: "Did you shoot Oswald because of labor union influence?" Mr. Ruby replied "No."
Question No. 9: "Did any long distance telephone calls which you made before the assassination of the President have anything to do with the assassination?" Mr. Ruby replied "No."
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