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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XIV - Page 594« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Bell P. Herndon)

Mr. Specter.
Will movement or speaking cause a variation in the tracings ordinarily, Mr. Herndon?
Mr. Herndon.
Yes. Body movements or speaking any phrase or sentence would certainly cause changes in the physiological patterns as displayed on the polygraph. I made notation of that, however, and that explains the changes On question No. 2, Mr. Ruby did show a significant drop in the relative blood pressure. This question pertained to: "Did you go to the Dallas police station at any time on Friday November 22, 1963, before you went to the synagogue? I asked him about this question later when he responded "No," and I noticed a physiological change. He advised that there was some man by the name of John Rutledge, and he made an association with proceedings at the trial which I have reason to believe this gentleman, John Rutledge, differed What with what Ruby stated as to when he went to the synagogue.
Due to the nature of this change, however, it is possible that it was caused by a body motion that I failed to detect during the actual response.
I notice that the cardio pen dropped all the way down and hit what we call the limit screws. This frequently is caused by a sudden rapid shift in his body position, and this change could have been caused by a body movement.
With regard to the other relevant questions in this series, question 4, question 6, and question 8, there was no significant deviation from his normal physiological patterns.
Mr. Specter.
Were there any other significant findings, in series No. 7?
Mr. Herndon.
There was a significant change in his breathing pattern and also a slight decrease in his blood pressure when I asked him the question "Did you attend the synagogue regularly?"
However, this is a control type question, and as later discussed with him there was some area of doubt in his mind as to whether he attended the synagogue regularly as much as he would like to. The total chart minutes on series 7 was 2 minutes 55 seconds.
Mr. Specter.
Have you now given all the relevant findings on chart No.
Mr. Herndon.
Yes, I have.
Mr. Specter.
May the record show that I have affixed Herndon Deposition Exhibit No. 9 to series No. 8.
(Herndon Deposition Exhibit No. 9 was marked for identification.)
Mr. Specter.
I hand it to you with the request that you give us the findings there starting with the relevant questions.
Mr. Herndon.
Series No. 8 contained five relevant questions.
No. 2: "Have you ever knowingly attended any meetings of the Communist Party or any other group that advocates violent overthrow of the Government?" Mr. Ruby replied "No.”
I notice in the pneumograph tracing some deviation. However, by interpretation of the chart and the length of that particular question, it again appears obvious that there was some hesitation on his part in answering the question due to its length.
However, there was no other noticeable significant physiological deviation in his response to that question.
Question No. 4: "Is any of your immediate family or any close friend a member of the Communist Party?" Mr. Ruby replied "No" and there is no significant change in his normal physiological pattern.
Question No. 6: "Is any of your immediate family or any close friend a member of any group that advocates the violent overthrow of the Government?"
This again is a relatively long question. However, it did not appear to disturb him, and there is no noticeable physiological deviation in his response to this question.
Question No. 8: "Did any close friend or any member of your immediate family ever attend a meeting of the Communist Party?" Mr. Ruby replied "No." Here again there is no noticeable significant deviation in his physiological pattern.
Question No. 9: "Did any close friend or any member of your immediate family ever attend a meeting of any group that advocates the violent overthrow of the Government?" Here again this is a relatively long question and there was a little hesitation on his part in answering it, causing a change in the
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