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(Testimony of Bell P. Herndon)Question No. 2: "Were you on the sidewalk at the time Lieutenant Pierce's car stopped on the ramp exist?" He responded "Yes. Question No. 4: Did you enter the jail by walking through the alleyway? Mr. Ruby responded "No." Question No. 6: "Did you walk past the guard at the time Lieutenant Pierce's car was parked on the ramp exit?" Mr. Ruby replied "Yes." Question No. 8: "Did you talk with any Dallas police officer on Sunday, November 24, prior to shooting Oswald?" Mr. Ruby replied "No." With regard to chart interpretation on this particular series of questions, it is difficult to interpret because this is the first series where Mr. Ruby tends to show a little fatigue in that he took several deep breaths, could not refrain from moving his foot and the rest of his body, and, in general, the chart is relatively difficult to interpret. However, considering these body motions and his irregular breathing, there appear to be no significant physiological variations with regard to his response to the relevant questions as projected in that series. There is one question in which he displayed a moderate rise of blood pressure, and that was in regard to an irrelevant question No. 5: "Are your parents alive?" In which he stated "No." He was questioned about this after the series was over, and he advised that he felt a little nervous during this series, but that particular question didn't give him any trouble. His breathing is quite irregular throughout this series, and I have a notation on my chart that I advised Mr. Specter that Mr. Ruby was beginning to show some signs of fatigue, and it was mutually agreed that we would have a recess at this point. (Herndon Deposition Exhibit No. 6 was marked for identification.) Question No. 2: "Did you see the armored truck before you entered the basement?" He replied "No." Question No. 4: "Did you enter the police department through a door at the rear on the east side of the jail?" He responded "No." Question No. 6: "After talking to Little Lynn did you hear any announcement that Oswald was about to be moved?" He responded "No." Question No. 8: "Before you left your apartment Sunday morning, did anyone tell you the armored car was on the way to be police department?" He replied "No." The one particular thing of interest with regard to overall interpretation of this chart is how Ruby showed considerable more relaxation and appeared to be completely at ease after the recess. There was no physiological variation of any significance noted with regard to his replies to the relevant questions. There is some deviation with regard to his pneumograph tracing at question No. 7, which is considered a control-type question. This question was: "Other than what you told me, did you ever hit anyone with any kind of a weapon?" He responded to this question by talking. However, he later asked that question be repeated. The question was repeated during the series, and he responded "No." The only significant deviation from his normal pattern was recorded in the pneumograph, and this was caused by his talking in response to the question the first time it was asked.
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