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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XIV - Page 591« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Bell P. Herndon)

Mr. Herndon.
severity than the actual pertinent questions, but in those cases where the person appears to be telling the truth, we find that they will respond more to the control questions than the critical question, even though the critical question has more potency and is more severe with regard to his well-being.
Mr. Specter.
Were there any other significant findings on that chart?
Mr. Herndon.
Yes. Mr. Ruby also responded significantly in a physiological sense with regard to question 9: "Have you ever served time in jail?" He failed to actually respond yes or no. However, there was a decrease in his blood pressure, a moderate impact in the GSR, and a change in the baseline of his pneumo-graph tracing. The fact that he actually failed to say yes or no precludes my interpretation of whether or not this is an indication of deception, but it does indicate that Ruby did experience a physiological variation from his normal pattern with regard to this question which is of a control-type nature.
Mr. Specter.
Does that complete then the relevant findings on that chart?
Mr. Herndon.
That concludes series No. 3. It might be worthwhile to record that the total chart minutes on this particular series was 2 minutes 45 seconds.
Mr. Specter.
Let us then mark the next series, which is series 3a, as Herndon Deposition Exhibit No. 4.
(Herndon Deposition Exhibit No. 4 was marked for identification.)
Mr. Specter.
Would you start there on series 3a with the relevant questions, the responses and your evaluation of any significant psychological deviation, please?
Mr. Herndon.
This particular series 3a was what would be called a modified peak of tension series. Ruby was carefully instructed prior to the series that four relevant questions were going to be asked in a consecutive order.
Question No. 3: "Did you first decide to shoot Oswald on Friday night?" He responded "No."
Question No. 4: "Did you first decide to shoot Oswald on Saturday morning?" He responded "No."
Question No. 5: "Did you first decide to shoot Oswald Saturday night?" He responded "No."
Question No. 6: "Did you first decide to shoot Oswald Sunday morning?" He responded "Yes."
These are the only relevant questions in this series. A review of the chart with regard to his responses in this series reveals that Ruby's blood pressure continually rose from the question No. 3 until it reached a peak just as question No. 6 was asked. In addition it was noted that there was a rather noticeable change in his breathing pattern as question No. 6 was approached. There is a slight impact in the GSR tracing as question No. 6 is approached. This would mean to me in interpreting the chart that Ruby reached a peak of tension as the question No. 6 was about to be asked in which he responded "Yes" to "Did you first decide to shoot Oswald Sunday morning?" This particular type of series cannot be interpreted with regard to whether or not there was any deception, but it does indicate that Ruby built up a physiological peak of tension to the time of Sunday morning with regard to his decision of shooting Oswald.
Mr. Specter.
Is there any correlation between the building up of a peak of tension and the accurate answer to the series?
Mr. Herndon.
In normal usage of polygraph technique where a peak of tension is used, if the series is effective, the party will usually respond to a particular item which happens to be the most pertinent with regard to the offense. In this case it appears that Ruby projected his entire thoughts and built up a physiological peak of tension to the point of Sunday morning.
Mr. Specter.
Are there any other significant readings on Exhibit No. 4?
Mr. Herndon.
There is no other significant reading on series 4. The total chart minutes was 2 minutes.
Mr. Specter.
Let's move on then to series No. 4 and we will mark that as Herndon Deposition Exhibit No. 5.
(Herndon Deposition Exhibit No. 5 was marked for identification.)
Mr. Specter.
I will ask you to start on that one, Mr. Herndon, by giving us the relevant questions and answers to those relevant questions and the responses, if any?
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