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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XIV - Page 11« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Curtis Laverne Crafard Resumed)

Mr. Crafard.
Not to my knowledge, no, sir. Not that I can recall I should say.
Mr. Griffin.
On the top of page 2 there is an entry. Mar-Din Co. underneath that the name Henry Denture. The address 404 South Well, Chicago 7, Ill. Phone number HA 7-3172. Do you remember how that entry came to be made in the book?
Mr. Crafard.
It was the number, if I can recall right, Clark called in connection with the Earl Products Co. There is a company that I believe Jack said this Mr. Denture and himself had been partners in one time in Chicago. The company had went broke but they still had the papers and everything on the company. It had never been dissolved. He was using this as a name to sell the twist boards under, the Earl Products Co.
Mr. Griffin.
Other than contacting Henry Denture at the Mar-Din Co., do you know of any other dealings that Jack had with Mar-Din?
Mr. Crafard.
No, Sir; that I remember.
Mr. Griffin.
Is it your understanding that Henry Denture was involved with Jack in the sale of twist boards?
Mr. Crafard.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Griffin.
What makes you have that understanding?
Mr. Crafard.
Jack give me that understanding when he give me this Earl Products Co. number, this number so I could call the Earl Products Co.
Mr. Griffin.
You mean the Earl Products Co. was at the same address and number as this Mar-Din Co.?
Mr. Crafard.
Yes, sir; from what I remember.
Mr. Griffin.
Mr. Hubert, do you have any questions you want to ask on this?
Mr. Hubert.
I understood you to say that Jack wanted to communicate to the Earl Products Co. the fact that Mar-Din and Henry Denture would be associated with the twist beards?
Mr. Crafard.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Hubert.
Referring to page 2 of Exhibit 5202, I take it that the first six entries starting with Mar-Din Co. and ending with Earl Products all relate to the same thing, is that right?
Mr. Crafard.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Hubert.
And were all entered about the same time?
Mr. Crafard.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Hubert.
I am not clear just what the significance is and I wish you'd state it again.
Mr. Crafard.
This Henry Denture, he called, he said it had been checked with him in this Earl Products before in Chicago and he was using the Earl Products Co. as a name to sell the twist boards under.
Mr. Hubert.
Henry Denture was?
Mr. Crafard.
Jack Ruby was, and he called Henry Denture in Chicago about the twist boards.
Mr. Hubert.
Did you overhear the call?
Mr. Crafard.
I was there when he made the call. I don't recall just exactly what was said but it was something about the twist boards.
Mr. Hubert.
And he called a man called Henry Denture?
Mr. Crafard.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Hubert.
Did he tell you why he wanted you to make this entry?
Mr. Crafard.
It was just a number he wanted to keep.
Mr. Hubert.
All right.
Mr. Griffin.
Larry, could the name Henry Denture be a mistake? Could the last name really have been Kenter?
Mr. Crafard.
It could have been; yes, sir.
Mr. Griffin.
Why do you say that?
Mr. Crafard.
It is quite similar and I could have made a mistake and put a "D" down in place of a "K."
Mr. Griffin.
Now after the entry Earl Products Co., there is a line with nothing written on it, and then there are two names. What are those two names?
Mr. Crafard.
Doris Land and Peggy Taylor.
Mr. Griffin.
Do you recall either of those two girls?
Mr. Crafard.
I believe they were girls who called in answer to the ad that Jack was running in the paper.
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