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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XIII - Page 231« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Elnora Pitts)

Mrs. Pitts.
No, I don't, but it was--it was after 8. I know way after 8, and when I called him he said to me, "What do you want?" And I said----
Mr. Hubert.
Did you recognize his voice?
Mrs. Pitts.
Well, I'll tell you how he talked to me, ,then I said, "What do I want?" I says, "This is Elnora." He says, "Yes, well, what--you need some money?" And I says, "No; I was coming to clean today." "Coming to clean?" Like you know, like he just- ---
Mr. Hubert.
In other words, when you told him that you were coming to clean he seemed to express some surprise, is that it?
Mrs. Pitts.
Yes, sir; like he didn't know that I was going to come and clean.
Mr. Hubert.
Did he recognize you?
Mrs. Pitts.
I don't know if he did or not. And I says to him again, I says, "This is Elnora." And he says, "Well, what do you want?" And I said, "Well, I was coming to clean today."
"You coming now?" And I says, "No."
Mr. Hubert.
He asked you then, "Are you coming now?"
Mrs. Pitts.
Yes, sir; and then I says, "No." And he says, "Well, what you got to do?" And I says, "I have got to go to the store for the children." I always goes to the store for the children before I come to work whenever I come. He says, "Well,"--I says, "You seem so funny to me." And I says, "Do you want me to come today?" And he says, "Well, yes; you can come, but you call me." And I says, "That's what I'm doing now, calling you so I won't have to call you again." And he says, "And you coming to clean today?" And I said, "Yes." Well, he sounded so strange to me but I still wouldn't say nothing to him. I just stopped another few minutes, and I said, "Who am I talking to? Is this Mr. Jack Ruby? And he said, "Yes. Why?" And I said, "Oh, nothing." But he just sounded terrible strange to me, so, I said, "Well, I'll call you." And he says, "But, I don't see why I called you." And he said, "Yes, so I can tell you where the key will be and the money." And I said, "Okay." So, I hung up.
Mr. Hubert.
Did you arrange a time to go then?
Mrs. Pitts.
He told me to call him before I come.
Mr. Hubert.
Did he tell you what time?
Mrs. Pitts.
I told him that I would be there before 2 and he says for me to call him.
Mr. Hubert.
Did he suggest 2 o'clock?
Mrs. Pitts.
No; I did.
Mr. Hubert.
What did he say when you suggested 2?
Mrs. Pitts.
He said, "Why so late?"
Mr. Hubert.
And what did you say?
Mrs. Pitts.
I told him, said, "Well, I have got to go to the store, and I have got some things to do."
Mr. Hubert.
Did you tell him you had some cleaning to do?
Mrs. Pitts.
Yes, sir; I had some cleaning to do, straightening up.
Mr. Hubert.
Did he agree that 2 o'clock would be all right?
Mrs. Pitts.
No; he didn't seem to think that 2 o'clock was all right.
Mr. Hubert.
But he asked you to call him?
Mrs. Pitts.
Yes, sir; he asked me to call him.
Mr. Hubert.
Did he ask you to call him at 2 or what?
Mrs. Pitts.
No; he says, "You call me before 2," that is what he says. He says, "Be sure you call me." To call before 2, "Before you come." He says, "You call me before 2, before you start," and I says, "Well, what I have to call you again for?" And he says, "Well, so I can tell you where the key is and the money." And I said, "Uh-huh."
So, before I could, you know, hang up, he says, "Be sure and call me." "Did you say you was coming in today?" And I said, "Yes." And when he said that, that's when it kind of seared me, so, I just hung--I say, "okay," and I hung up.
Mr. Hubert.
What were you scared about?
Mrs. Pitts.
The way he talked. He didn't talk like he never did sound like hisself to me.
Mr. Hubert.
Are you sure you were talking to him?
Mrs. Pitts.
Well, I guess so.
Mr. Hubert.
Had you ever talked to him before on the telephone?
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