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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XII - Page 85« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Lt. Jack Revill)

Mr. Hubert.
As of what date?
Lieutenant REVILL. These go back to September 24, 1963, through---correction on that.- Some of them go back to .May of 1963.
Mr. Hubert.
Well, let's deal with it this way, suppose I check to see how much of this the Secret Service, or the FBI has?
Lieutenant REVILL. The FBI has this, because I gave it to them personally.
Mr. Hubert.
The whole thing?
Lieutenant REVILL. Of this particular
Mr. Hubert.
Analyses of phone calls ?
Lieutenant REVILL The phone calls.
Mr. Hubert.
Well, dealing with the whole report, suppose we do it this way, if we find that there is not, in possession of one of the Federal agencies, the entire record, I may ask you at a later time to make it available for photostating, or if you could do it
Lieutenant REVILL. We can do it. Anything we can do.
Mr. Hubert.
And then what we would do is that you could execute an affidavit instead of having to come and make a deposition to the effect that the attached report is true, is a true and correct copy of the originals. I think that is possibly the best way.
Lieutenant REVILL. Any way that it is the easiest for you.
Mr. Hubert.
All right, do you have any other things that you would like to say?
Lieutenant REVILL. No, sir; I can't think of a thing.
Mr. Hubert.
All right, now
Lieutenant REVILL. Wish there was something I could do to shed some light on it.
Mr. Hubert.
Was it a part of your function to check out all rumors concerning connections between Ruby and Oswald? Lieutenant REVILL. Yes, sir; it was.
Mr. Hubert.
Or between Ruby and other groups from the left, right, and middle of the road, or whatnot?
Lieutenant REVILL. Yes; this was our function.
Mr. Hubert.
Did you, in fact, check out those that came to your attention ?
Lieutenant REVILL. All that came to our attention, yes, sir.
Mr. Hubert.
IS there a special report on that checkout?
Lieutenant REVILL. There are many reports. Each lead that came in as a possible connection, investigation was conducted and a report submitted concerning that specific rumor.
Mr. Hubert.
In other words, every rumor was investigated and an individual report made on it, but they are not collected together anyplace ?
Lieutenant REVILL. No, sir; no synopsis.
Mr. Hubert.
They are not part of this document 81-A? The investigation that you identified earlier?
Lieutenant REVILL. No, sir.
Mr. Hubert.
DO you think there are copies of these various reports that could be made available to us ?
Lieutenant REVILL. Yes, sir; I can make them available to you.
Mr. Hubert.
I would appreciate it if you would, because if you have a lot of that checkout work that would be helpful. How much of a job would it be to photostat all of those things? Did you turn them over to the FBI?
Lieutenant REVILL No, sir.
Mr. Hubert.
Or any other Federal agent?
Lieutenant REVILL. Anything that they wanted we gave to them.
Mr. Hubert.
I understand that, but I mean, this mass of documents, as I gather, are individual reports on individual rumors and so forth, you didn't turn those over?
Lieutenant REVILL. No, sir.
Mr. Hubert.
As a block?
Lieutenant REVILL. Now, I say we didn't. Let me qualify this, our reports that we make up, a copy is submitted to Chief Curry daily. Now, what he
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