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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XII - Page 69« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Capt. O. A. Jones)

Mr. Hubert.
You are looking away from the-
Captain JONES. From the approximate point.
Mr. Hubert.
But you are also looking away from the point which Oswald exited?
Captain JONES. That's right. In watching the people, I was aware, in fact, in trying to get them out of the way.
Mr. Hubert.
Would it be correct to say that the televisions were to your left?
Captain JONES. I think so. I mean, that is my impression, and I cannot--I couldn't swear. I can give you the impression to the best of my knowledge, but here is one thing that I know. I am in that area, I think the television is to my left. I turned to make sure the people stay out of way. Some of the previous instructions can I go back?
Mr. Hubert.
Captain JONES. Some of the previous instructions that I had given to this officer here [indicating].
Mr. Hubert.
Here ?
Captain JONES. I'm sorry, Just outside of the swinging doors leading into the basement of the city hail and Just after clearing the jail office of the reporters, just keep the people out of the area. I told both the officers and the newsmen there, "When the prisoner comes down, you will not be allowed in this area. You will not be allowed to step forward to take pictures, or converse with the prisoner."
Mr. Hubert.
You gave that instruction?
Captain. JONES. I gave this instruction to them. I can't say to this officer, or to that officer.
Mr. Hubert.
All right.
Captain JONES. Things had changed. First, I was under the impression that the armored car would back all the way down. I didn't know whether it could get all the way down, may do it at some intermediate point. If it comes all the way down there would be a lane. That was the that was where I wanted the officer here coming out of the jail office. The door of the vehicle that opens
Mr. Hubert.
I say, that was your idea?
Captain JONES. It was my idea, if the transporting vehicle backs all the way to the Jail door.
Mr. Hubert.
All right.
Captain JONES. If it comes partially down here and has to stop, which would be somewhere around this area here [indicating], the just past--just at the point where the ramp starts to rise there is a beam, I believe, or low point in the ceiling there, that if it cannot get to that point these officers in the line here can form an L-shaped line around the prisoner, between them and the two sides where the news media had been told to stay and form a buffer in between to walk up there. Then the change going to put two cars up there. There is no reason why that back car can't get all the way back to the Jail office. The original plan would be that the line of officers would be from the jail door to the vehicle. Then they say, "Here he comes," and I am off up here, to the point that I indicated on the map. It is too late to get the people out of the way of the car and form the line. I am aware that Oswald is already coming because of the furor, so, I was trying to keep everybody out of the

way and keep the way clear and I heard a shot.
Mr. Hubert.
All right.
Captain JONES. And I place that as to why it is my last awareness of---the back car is ahead of, towards Commerce Street. The prisoner is coming from back here [indicating]. The car is backing like this [indicating]. I am looking at
Mr. Hubert.
You were looking at the automobile?
Captain JONES. At the automobile. They say, "Here he comes." I turned and these people back this way
Mr. Hubert.
Looking away from the direction ?
Captain JONES. Into this basement parking area. I heard a shot, and I
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