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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XII - Page 425« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Patrick Trevore Dean)

Mr. Griffin.
Do you want to indicate on the map here where it is that you think the TV cameras, or camera was placed ?
Mr. Dean.
Mr. Griffin.
Do you recall if there was a TV camera at this location [indicating] ?
Mr. Dean.
I believe there was.
Mr. Griffin.
Now, I am referring, so that the record will reflect this, to a TV camera that's in the entranceway from the ramp, towards the jail office, and it's on the Commerce Street wall, along the Commerce Street wall. Did you move that TV camera at that time ?

Mr. DEAN. No, sir. Moved the operators away from it.
Mr. Griffin.
Now, what did you do after that, after you completed the search and let the people back into the basement?
Mr. Dean.
Let me think. I believe I stayed in the basement area.
Mr. Griffin.
At the time that you completed the search, had you heard anything about the time that Oswald would be moved ?
Mr. Dean.
No, sir.
Mr. Griffin.
Had you heard anything about the route that he would be moved by?
Mr. Dean.
At the time
Mr. Griffin.
That you completed the search?
Mr. Dean.
Yes. About, somewhere around 9:45, Captain Talbert sent me a group of regular officers that had been called in off of patrol district. [ Indicating. ]
Mr. Griffin.
Now, can I help you?
Mr. Dean.
My report [indicating] ?
Mr. Griffin.
Yes [indicating].
Mr. Dean.
I didn't have in my original report, I do have in my original notes in my locker, as to some traffic assignments that I made. This was about 9:45. These men were sent to me by Captain Talbert. I briefed them about here in the basement, away from everyone, to let no one know the route. This is when Captain Talbert advised me that the route would be to leave the Commerce Street side, go to the expressway, north to Main [indicating].
Mr. Griffin.
Is that Pearl Expressway or Central Expressway?
Mr. Dean.
Central Expressway. And then west on Main to the county courthouse, or the sheriff's office.
Mr. Griffin.
Let me try to refresh your recollection a little bit here. Up to this point had you heard anything about a proposed route that would have gone from Central Expressway and turned at Elm Street, rather than Main Street?
Mr. Dean.
I was thinking it was--I knew that they changed it, after I made my assignment I had to change them again, because they said they wasn't going to use it. It was either Main Street that they weren't going to use, they were going to Commerce. however, I think you are right. I think originally my assignments were made at the intersections--not Commerce, but Elm, and then they changed the they being Captain Talbert, and told me that they would not use Elm, that they would use Main Street.
Mr. Griffin.
Would you draw a big circle in this area where you instructed these men, to show roughly what area the men covered, and would you put an appropriate note on there as to what happened and what time?
Mr. Dean.
Mr. Griffin.
About how many men did you give instructions to?
Mr. Dean.
13, 15.
Mr. Griffin.
Why don't you just put that number there?
Mr. Dean.
Mr. Griffin.
Now, did those men then take police vehicles and go to their appointed spots?
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