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(Testimony of Lt. Woodrow Wiggins)Lieutenant WIGGINS. Of the document taken by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Lieutenant WIGGINS. It starts on the eighth line, on the top of the third Page where it starts---the sentence starts, "They had proceeded some 6 or 7 feet--" Excuse me. It is the one in front of that. The latter part of the last sentence of the eighth line. Sentence reads, "in their midst, were out past him, Wiggins," and it should read, "In their midst, went out past him, Wiggins."And the next sentence Lieutenant WIGGINS. All right. See this? See this then should be, "Went out past him." Not, "were out past him." Lieutenant WIGGINS. That's true. Also, the next sentence, as it is written here, "They proceeded some 6 or 7 feet from the jail office door when he, Wiggins, saw a man lunge towards Oswald and he heard the report of the gun." That sentence should read, "They had proceeded some 6 or 7 feet past Wiggins when Wiggins saw a man lunge towards Oswald and he heard the report of a gun." Lieutenant WIGGINS. Yes, sir. about 10 to. 11 feet past the jail door. Lieutenant WIGGINS. True. Lieutenant WIGGINS. No, sir; rest of it is- Lieutenant WIGGINS. The rest of it is as I-- Lieutenant WIGGINS. No, sir; nothing. Lieutenant WIGGINS. No, sir. Lieutenant WIGGINS. No, sir. Lieutenant WIGGINS. Yes, sir. Lieutenant WIGGINS. Well, we didn't discuss this last night. You and I didn't. Lieutenant WIGGINS. We---I didn't discuss any of this. The only thing that
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