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(Testimony of Capt. Frank M, Martin)Captain MARTIN. Not until after the shooting. Captain MARTIN. No; not directly. Of course Where is your map? I couldn't have seen him from--if I would have been, because there were people all along here [indicating] Captain MARTIN. Yes; across here [indicating]. And all up in here [indicating]. Captain MARTIN. And---- Captain MARTIN. Right. Captain MARTIN. I just would have to make an estimate. Captain MARTIN. I would say between me and where he was, there was 8 or 10 people. Captain MARTIN. As well as I can remember there weren't too many people up in that--up that far. There were 2 or 3 cars parked in the ramp there. Captain MARTIN. Now, wait a minute. You have got Main Street . Captain MARTIN. No, no; across this ramp there, there was quite a number of people. Captain MARTIN. Yes. Captain MARTIN. Oh, I'd say 15 or 20. Captain MARTIN. Yes; more or less. Captain MARTIN. I don't know. Captain MARTIN. Yes; I would. Mostly the press. There were some officers in that area also. Captain MARTIN. Yes. Captain MARTIN. Yes, yes; he he is one of my men. He was standing, oh, just about at the edge of the ramp there. Captain MARTIN. Harrison was about fight here [indicating]. Captain MARTIN. Yes; uh-huh. Captain MARTIN. W. J. Was Detective Harrison in front of Oswald, or to one or the other sides of him? Captain MARTIN. This happened so fast it is really hard to tell. Of course, Oswald and the two officers came out this door. Captain MARTIN. Yes.
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