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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XII - Page 126« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Capt. Cecil E. Talbert)

Mr. Hubert.
That, in fact, is your recollection now of what Lieutenant Pierce told you ?
Captain TALBERT. As I recall now, Lieutenant Pierce told me that from the time he left the basement until the time-- and from the time he left the basement ramp and the time he reached the Commerce Street ramp, the shooting had occurred, and that time lapse would be a minute and three quarters, or 2 minutes at the most.
Mr. Hubert.
Do you recall whether Pierce ever talked to you about a 5-minute interval?
Captain TALBERT. The 5-minute interval, I can't recall; no, sir. I don't recall that, but if we want to leave it in here it could have been from the time---it would have been right from the time he left the homicide office until the time of the shooting. I don't recall the 5-minute interval. Now, at the time, it may have happened, but my memory now is--does not bring it back.
Mr. Hubert.
Well, your correction really
Captain TALBERT. Is incorrect?
Mr. Hubert.
Is, in a way, incorrect, because you have corrected to refer to a 5-minute interval and you now tell me that you have no recollection of talking about a 5-minute lapse at all.
Captain TALBERT. Right, sir. I am merely trying to account for the minutes there in my own---
Mr. Hubert.
But you do not recollect Pierce telling you anything about 5 minutes at all?
Captain TALBERT. I can recall the route he took and where he stopped, but I can't recall the 5 minutes entering into it at all, and---
Mr. Hubert.
All right; any further corrections or observations?
Captain TALBERT. Rather a minute one on page 6. Let me get that. That is about passing out .the pads. I don't--to get that identification--I don't think there is any point in answering that. On page 7, of the same exhibit and the first paragraph, "In regard to this particular assignment Captain Talbert advised that he was acting on his own behalf concerning the security measures and it wasn't on instructions by any particular superior as to what he was or was not to do. At no time prior to the transfer did Talbert receive specific instructions concerning the details of the transfer, and most of this information was obtained during the course of the morning." In essence, that's true, but to understand the setup of the police function--I was the patrol commander on duty during that period and there was no necessity to give me instructions by anyone in--any superior or any of my superiors as to any incident that would require emergency action or restraintive action. The patrol function is for an emergency function, and to take care of the immediate difficulties, or immediate trouble. So, it leaves the impression in that paragraph that someone was derelict in their not informing me prior to that morning, about not informing me of the course of the transfer and the other details, when actually, it wasn't necessary. And had Captain Souter or Captain Frazier been on duty I think they would have taken the same action. This is a patrol function.
Mr. Hubert.
As I understand it, your comment is that what you did was standard operating procedure?
Captain TALBERT. Standard operating patrol function. If you find trouble arising, try to offset it.
Mr. Hubert.
And that you would be expected to put into operation such standard operating procedure?
Captain TALBERT. Yes.
Mr. Hubert.
And that they would understand that you would take such procedures without any particular orders? Captain TALBERT. Yes.
Mr. Hubert.
That is the essence of your
Captain TALBERT. The essence of what I was trying to convey. And, second paragraph, same page, it refers, "Captain Talbert continues to say he has never worked for Jack Ruby in any way whatsoever, but did hear through rumors that an individual by the name of Cox was alleged to be a reserve
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