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(Testimony of Capt. Cecil E. Talbert)Captain TALBERT. Yes, sir. Captain TALBERT. Said he had a communication with Sheriff Decker and Mr. Newsom, with the FBI, and both were anxious to transfer Oswald at the time. Transfer him immediately to the county jail, and that he had been unable to contact the chief due to a phone malfunction. That he couldn't call him. Captain TALBERT. He did; but I don't recall what time, sir. Captain TALBERT. No, sir. Captain TALBERT. No, sir. Captain TALBERT. Yes, sir; I relieved him and he went off duty. Captain TALBERT. Continued his efforts to contact the chief through--going through the telephone exchange. I wanted to contact him by telephone. He had contacted Captain Fritz with the information from both Mr. Newsom and the sheriff, and Captain Fritz said he couldn't transfer him until the chief authorized it. Captain TALBERT. No, sir; that was conveyed to me by Captain Frazier before he left. Captain TALBERT. And I got the telephone company to put a buzzer on the chief's line, and there is no response, and they have something that is louder than a buzzer. I can't recall the term they use, but you have to get permission from the chief operator to utilize that. I had that put on the chiefs line, and still no response. Obviously the line was defective, so, I had a squad sent to the chief's home with the request that he call me. Captain TALBERT. Yes, sir. Captain TALBERT. Yes, sir. Captain TALBERT. I don't know, sir, but by all appearances, it was out of order. I think that latter item I was speaking of was around the entire neighborhood, almost. It is quite loud, even though a phone may be off the hook. Captain TALBERT. I repeated the conversation that Frazier had told me that the sheriff had told him, and also Mr. Newsom had told him about two calls received by the FBI office during the night. Both by men speaking in a calm voice and both conveyed the same message that before Oswald reached the county jail "A hundred of us will see that he is dead." And the request by Sheriff Decker, and Mr. Newsom, that he be transferred immediately. Captain TALBERT. His office. Not Mr. Newsom personally. His office. Captain TALBERT. No, sir; I don't. Captain TALBERT. It was approximately 6:30, my conversation with Chief Curry. Captain TALBERT. He said if I would call the sheriff and Mr. Newsom, tell them that he would be in his office between 8 and 9, and he would contact them.
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