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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XI - Page 50« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of John Edward Pic Resumed)

Mr. Pic.
when he defected and came back--that was his big tragedy. I found out it wasn't.
Mr. Jenner.
Would you give me elaborate on that. Why did you have a feeling for some time that someday he would have, would suffer a great tragedy?
Mr. Pic.
I don't know. It was just one of those things I can't explain. always had this feeling about him. Not as a kid, of course, but in my young adulthood I thought that about him, especially after the incident in New York. I thought this way. I had this feeling.
Mr. Jenner.
You had a feeling at any time that he was groping for a position station in life, that he realized was beyond his attainment, or any resentment on his part of his station in life?
Mr. Pic.
I think he resented the fact that he never really had a father, especially after he lost Mr. Ekdahl and his one and only chance to get what he was looking for. Maybe that is why he looked to Robert and I like he did.
Mr. Jenner.
Did you see Marilyn Murret again?
Mr. Pic.
Yes, sir; she and I never discussed this. Those were the orders of OSI not to discuss it with anyone. I made them aware of her, her presence in Japan. I don't know if they ever contacted her or not, sir. I told them about mentioning this to me that she knew he was in Europe. How she knew, know, sir. And everything I have read states that no one knew he was going.
Mr. Jenner.
But she was in your home?
Mr. Pic.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Jenner.
The very day that the announcement was made?
Mr. Pic.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Jenner.
That Lee had defected to Russia?
Mr. Pic.
Yes, sir; and the radio wasn't on or anything. I had the hi-fi, she liked classical music, and I was playing some of my records for her, and at time during the day did we have any radio broadcasts. She came about Maybe it was on prior to this, I don't think so, because at 9 o'clock-
Mr. Jenner.
If it had been on, prior to that time, she didn't mention any defection? All she said to you was, "Did you know that Lee was in Europe?" Is that correct?
Mr. Pic.
That is correct, sir. She didn't specify any country. In fact, I asked her what country, and she said she didn't know. She just knew he was in Europe. She had come from Australia to Japan. I think she may have been in Japan a month prior to contacting me, a month, a little less probably.
Mr. Jenner.
You saw her again after that, did you?
Mr. Pic.
Yes, sir; she visited our house several times. I think the last we seen her was about April or May 1960 when she left Japan. We never her again. She said she would contact us and tell us when she was leaving but she never did.
Mr. Jenner.
What was your assignment in Japan?
Mr. Pic.
I was a medical laboratory technician at the hospital there, sir.
Mr. Jenner.
When did you return to the United States?
Mr. Pic.
July 1962, sir.
Mr. Jenner.
And to where did you return?
Mr. Pic.
To Lackland Air Force Base where I am presently stationed. In Japan there is more that happened, sir.
Mr. Jenner.
All right.
Mr. Pic.
I received--I wrote Lee, I mean Robert, and asked him about this. Of course in Japan we didn't get much news and the OSI wouldn't tell me too The Embassy, all they confirmed is that he did defect. I guess in a period of 2, 3 months I got information from Robert through several letters. Every time I got some information I went to the OSI about this. It seems there a letter, I don't remember if Robert had copied it from Lee's letter or he had sent me the original letter. I showed this, I gave it to the OSI. If they it back, it is destroyed now, sir. In this letter he said that no one should try to contact him because the American capitalists would be listening over the phone. He mentioned that he had been contemplating this act for quite awhile. no one knew it. This is all in my OSI report.
And from what other information I had, I received the impression that him
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