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(Affidavit of J. Rachal)
1. My name is J. Rachal. I am now and have for a number of years past been employed by the Louisiana Department of Labor, Division of Employment Security, Professional Unit.
2. In my capacity as Placement Interviewer in the Professional Unit of the Louisiana State Employment Security Division of the Louisiana Department of Labor, I had occasion to become acquainted with one Lee Harvey Oswald. I recall his being in my office and at my desk on April 26, 1963, which was his initial visit. 3. At that time Louisiana Department of Labor Exhibit number 1* was filled out, in part by Mr. Oswald and in part by me. Said Exhibit number I is the Registration Card so made out by Lee Harvey Oswald and myself, recording Oswald's registration as an unemployed worker who had come from Texas and was seeking employment in New Orleans. 4. The hand-printing, with the exception of the block entitled "Skills, Knowledge, Abilities, and Experience," and the notations in the block entitled "Special information and employment counseling statement," and the letters "RIF" in the upper right-hand corner of the inside face of Exhibit number 1, is that of the applicant, Lee Harvey Oswald. The writing other than that of Lee Harvey Oswald is that of affiant. The signature appearing at the foot of the inside face of Exhibit number 1 is that of affiant. Exhibit number 1 is part of the books and records of the aforesaid Division of Employment Security of the Louisiana Department of Labor, kept in the usual and regular course of business. 5. Exhibit number 1 reflects that Lee Harvey Oswald first called at the Unemployment Division on April 26, 1963, and at that time was interviewed by me and supplied the personal data and prior employment and experience facts recited on Exhibit No. 1. 6. Upon noting that Oswald had listed Photographer as one of his skills, I telephonically contacted the George Reppel Studio, 5220 Elysian Fields, to determine if they needed the services of a photographer. Upon learning that they could employ the services of a photographer, I directed Oswald to report to that company for possible employment, and I recorded that reference on the reverse side of Exhibit number 1. A few days later I recontacted the studio and learned that Oswald had not appeared there. 7. Exhibit number 1 also reflects the fact that on April 29, 1963, Oswald again reported to the Unemployment Compensation Office at 630 Camp Street, which is the claims office, and filed an interstate claim against the State of Texas for unemployment compensation. This was a reactivation of his claim. I had learned from my earlier interview that Oswald had therefore been employed for relatively short periods of time at Fort Worth, Texas, and Dallas, Texas. The letters "RIF" appearing in the upper right-hand corner of Exhibit number 1 are an abbreviation for the words "Reduction in Force." The presence of those letters on Exhibit number 1 means that Oswald advised me that the reason for his termination of employment at Jaggars, Chiles, Stovall of Dallas, Texas, was a reduction in force, a prerequisite to a valid claim for unemployment compensation. 8. I recall that Oswald was neatly dressed with a suit, dress shirt, and tie on the occasion of our initial interview. On July 22, 1963, he was more casually dressed. 9. Oswald returned after the April 29, 1963. visit to our office on July 22, 1963. Between the April 29 and July 22 dates, 'the application card had been green-lined in the right hand column either because the applicant had not come in in four weeks or his claim had been cancelled or terminated sometime during that period. Sometime subsequent to July 22, 1963, Oswald's application card was again green-lined for one of the two reasons above stated. This application card is marked Exhibit number 1. 10. I recall that Oswald returned some time, either late in July or the forepart of August 1963, seeking employment assistance. In the meantime, the incident involving the Fair Play for Cuba Committee had come to my attention. I had *Louisiana Department of Labor Exhibit No. 1 was subsequently relabeled Rachal Exhibit No. 1.
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