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(Affidavit of Emmett Charles , Jr. Barbe)
operations a great deal of machinery consisting of chains, conveyer belts, motors, blowers, automatic hoppers, grinders, etc., distributed over some five floors of the premises is employed in said operations. Said machinery must be kept well greased and oiled. This work required the full time of one man.
3. Lee Harvey Oswald became employed by William B. Reily Company, Inc. as a greaser and oiler maintenance man on May 10, 1963. His employment terminated on July 19, 1963. During the latter portion of his employment, I served as his immediate supervisor. As his supervisor I was aware of Oswald's performance or lack thereof of his duties. 4. There were occasions from time to time when I was unable to locate Oswald in and about the premises and learned that he was in the habit of absenting himself from the premises without leave and visiting a service station establishment adjacent to the Reily Coffee Company known as Alba's Crescent City Garage. Furthermore, Oswald had become quite indifferent to the performance of his duties. I spoke with him from time to time about his absences and his indifferences, all to no avail. Ultimately I recommended to my superiors that Oswald be discharged. My request was granted and he was discharged on July 19, 1963. Signed this 15th day of June 1964. (S) Emmett Charles Barbe, Jr. EMMETT CHARLES BARBE, Jr. ------------ Hilda L. Smith Affidavit of Hilda L. SmithThe following affidavit was executed by Hilda L. Smith on June 15, 1964. PRESIDENT'S COMMISSIONON THE ASSASSINATION OF AFFIDAVIT PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY STATE OF LOUISIANA, Parish of Orleans, ss: I, Hilda L. Smith, 1205 St. Charles, Apartment 813, New Orleans, La., being first duly sworn, depose and say: 1. That I was employed by the Louisiana Labor Department, Division of Employment Security, Employment Service, and Unemployment Compensation, 630 Camp Street, New Orleans 12, Louisiana, on April 29 and April 30, 1963. 2. I interviewed Lee Harvey Oswald when he applied for his initial Interstate Claim. 3. I recall that when I interviewed him, he was very evasive. He was very abrupt and I considered him unusual. I only saw him this one time since others handled his Continued Interstate Claim. 4. The signature appearing on the attached Interstate Claim, labelled Louisiana Department of Labor Exhibit No. 2 is my signature.* Signed this 15th day of June 1964. (S) Hilda L. Smith, HILDA L. SMITH. ----------------- J. Rachal Affidavit of J. RachalThe following affidavit was executed by J. Rachal on June 22, 1964. PRESIDENT'S COMMISSIONON THE ASSASSINATION OF AFFIDAVIT PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY STATE OF LOUISIANA, Parish of Orleans, ss: J. Rachal, of New Orleans, La., being duly sworn says: ------------------ *Louisiana Department of Labor Exhibit No. 2 was subsequently relabeled as Smith Exhibit No. 1.
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