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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XI - Page 131« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Mrs. Donald Gibson)

Mrs. Gibson.
Very sullen, very sharp answers. In fact I thought there was going to be a fight there for a minute.
Mr. Jenner.
Did Lee deny at that time in your presence, these accusations being uttered by Alexander Kleinlerer?
Mrs. Gibson.
He said it was none of his business.
Mr. Jenner.
But he didn't deny that he had done this?
Mrs. Gibson.
Mr. Jenner.
He just said it was none of Kleinlerer's business?
Mrs. Gibson.
That is right.
Mr. Jenner.
Had either you or your husband ever--did either you or your husband ever talk to Lee Oswald about his treatment of Marina?
Mrs. Gibson.
No; we never talked to him about beating his wife. We just talked to him about how he should teach her English, how it was very important for her to know English.
Mr. Jenner.
I take it that that phase, that is the teaching of English to her, that sort of conversation occurred several times during your acquaintance-ship with Oswald?
Mrs. Gibson.
Oh, yes; very often.
Mr. Jenner.
And his response always was that he didn't want to lose--
Mrs. Gibson.
He didn't want to lose his Russian.
Mr. Jenner.
Was there anything said by you or Gary that he could speak to her in Russian and she could speak with him in Russian but at the same time she could be taught English?
Mrs. Gibson.
Mr. Jenner.
Neither you nor your husband Gary urged that alternative?
Mrs. Gibson.
No; we just gave up.
Mr. Jenner.
What was Lee Oswald's personality? Was he a gracious person, ungracious, was he rude, or was he not? Was he appreciative?
Mrs. Gibson.
He could be very, very rude. He appreciated absolutely nothing you did for him. He never thanked you for anything. He seemed to expect it of you.
Mr. Jenner.
We are going to get into all that eventually, but you and your husband Gary were very helpful to him, reasonably so in any. event. You did a number of things for him; did you not?
Mrs. Gibson.
I'd say we did a number of things for him that we didn't have to do, and we certainly didn't need to do, and we certainly didn't owe him anything. But we did try to help.
Mr. Jenner.
Now in the face of all that, you say that at no time did he express any appreciation or thanks.
Mrs. Gibson.
I think the only time he ever said thank you was when we moved him from Fort Worth to Dallas. I think it was a very brief thank you, and that was that.
Mr. Jenner.
But otherwise, he neither expressed nor did you feel any evidence of appreciation on his part for what you and your husband did?
Mrs. Gibson.
No; I didn't feel anything. I fed his wife quite a few meals. He never offered me any reimbursement of any type for it. He never thanked me. He just seemed to act as if we owed it to him, and I felt that I didn't owe him a thing.
Mr. Jenner.
What bout Marina on the other hand, in this connection?
Mrs. Gibson.
I think Marina was appreciative.
Mr. Jenner.
Discounting the difficulty of communication?
Mrs. Gibson.
I had the feeling 'she was appreciative; yes. But she was exceedingly lazy. She would do nothing to help. The only thing she would do would be to take care of her child. She would do this, thank goodness, but otherwise she would do nothing to help. She wouldn't help with the dishes or clearing ,the ,table or preparing. the meal, cleaning the apartment, anything pertaining to the extra work I had to do because she was there. Mrs. Hall had the same complaint.
Mr. Jenner.
Mrs. Hall expressed this complaint to you?
Mrs. Gibson.
Exactly the same complaint; that Marina slept very late, which she didn't do in .my apartment but she did there, that she did not help with the
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