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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. X - Page 346« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Frank Pizzo)

Mr. Jenner.
Your salesman did?
Mr. Pizzo.
Albert Bogard--this salesman made the remark that Al Bogard had pulled out a business card and written behind the business card--a lot of salesmen will do that--they will write down names of prospects on the card and if they don't have a piece of paper, they will just pull out one of their cards and write the names down, and. he said, Well, there goes my prospect, when he heard the name Lee Harvey Oswald, so he dumped it in the wastebasket.
Now, I didn't know about this until a few minutes later and I didn't make much of it at that time. That was it--at that time. I didn't know that that was a custom he had--a week or two before it just--nothing never entered my we were all pretty saddened by the thing, and that was it for that day.
Let's see, I believe, was that a Friday or Saturday?
Mr. Jenner.
The 22d was on a Friday.
Mr. Pizzo.
It was on a Friday--I want to tell it to you as correct as I can, that's why I'm wondering.
One of the boys said the next day that he had lost his customer and the guy that they have got is the man that Bogard has as a prospect, so I says, "Let's look--where is the writeup?" The first thing that I had in my mind was----get the writeup, so everyone was looking for the writeup. By now Bogard wasn't there, I think it was after lunch or breakfast, so we went through the drawers, and we went through the baskets and I called the two porters we have in the garage called them in there and I said, "Who dumped the baskets out last night," and one fellow said, "I did" I said, "Where?" We have a trash barrel--not a barrel, but it's a huge incinerator and the trash men come by and pick it up, and so we went back there and I jumped inside this thing--that's how big it is and started throwing out the papers, looking for some kind of a writeup, and never could find anything. I just wanted the writeup to see if he did have a writeup, but by that time Bogard came back and I asked him, I said, "Al, have you got a writeup on that man, the man that they have got locked up?" He said, "Yes," and I said, "Where is it?" He said, "Well, it's not a writeup---I've got it on a card and I just took it and threw it down in the basket."
Mr. Jenner.
The day before?
Mr. Pizzo.
The day before. I said, "Well, where is it now?" He said, "I don't know."
Mr. Jenner.
Did you look through the refuse container to try to find that card?
Mr. Pizzo.
We looked for the card too--we went right back again and did the same thing, and he helped look for it and we had the colored boy there helping us looking for it and then when some FBI men came there they went in there and looked for it.
Mr. Jenner.
We became very interested in that.
Mr. Pizzo.
Me too. So, I kind of said, "Are you kidding us or what? You either have his name or you don't." He said, "Well, Frank, don't you remember?" I said, "I don't remember." He said "I brought him to your office and you said he needed $200 or $300 down, and I said, "Yes, I guess I remember." He said, "Well, you should remember because when I took that man for a ride he drove like a wild man, and besides we had Gene Wilson's car and Gene got mad because we used up all his gas." He said, "He drove so fast, he scared. the daylights out of me. Don't you remember me coming back and saying how mad I was?"
I said, "I just don't remember that particular moment." That's how he was trying to get me to remember that particular time when he took him for a fide. I said, "I just really don't remember that night--that much of it."
Now, I'll tell you how I think I recognized the man--this was after they had him on television and they showed him on television which was Monday or" Tuesday or something like that--it was a few days after.
Mr. Jenner.
You mean a rerun?
Mr. Pizzo.
No; of the Oswalds--when they showed him on television--the first pictures of him on television, I saw that.
Mr. Jenner.
And do you recall what day that was?
Mr. Pizzo.
It was past a weekend. It was not Saturday--it might have been
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