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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. X - Page 283« Previous | Next »

(Affidavit of Jesse J. Garner)

Mr. Hulen.
and behaved very well and I found him to be a nice person to talk to--to visit with.
Mr. Jenner.
All right, sir. Leave the deposition open Oliver, because Mr. Hulen will return with the photostatic copies of those records and we will close his deposition when we take care of that.
Mr. Hulen.
Now, I will be tied up until about 1. Would 1:30 or 2 o'clock be agreeable with you?
Mr. Jenner.
2 o'clock is fine.
(At this point the witness Hulen left the deposing room, the proceedings of the deposition to be resumed at 2 p.m., of this same date, April 1, 1964, and were resumed as follows:)
Mr. Jenner.
Mr. Hulen has kindly returned this afternoon with copies of the receipts to. which he made reference in his testimony and of which he supplied a longhand list on ruled notebook paper, Hulen Exhibit No. 2. Now that we have the originals, we can substitute them. They are five in number, and I identified them as entitled "Receipts Young Men's Christian Association of Dallas Downtown Branch." They are signed respectively by "Burge [spelling] B-u-r-g-e" and "Barker." We will work them in order of dates, as Hulen Exhibits Nos. 3, 4, 5, and 6, and the receipt of October 3 as Hulen Exhibit No. 7. I take it they were desk clerks?
Mr. Hulen.
The desk clerks.
Mr. Jenner.
Mr. Burge registered in Mr. Oswald on October 15, 1962, is that correct?
Mr. Hulen.
That's correct--yes, sir?
Mr. Jenner.
And the receipt shows the room number, room No. 415. Does that indicate the room to which he was assigned?
Mr. Hulen.
Mr. Jenner.
And then there is $2.25, and underneath, opposite that, "Deposit-----$1, total $3.25." And that represents the charge for the room and key deposit you testified about this morning?
Mr. Hulen.
Yes; that's correct.
Mr. Jenner.
The next one is dated October 16, 1962, also---name: same room, $2.25, initialed, however--it looks like "HB", or is this "W. Burgess."'
Mr. Hulen.
Correct; Burgess.
Mr. Jenner.
He is also a registration clerk or desk clerk?
Mr. Hulen.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Jenner.
The next is dated the 17th of October 1962, in the name of Oswald, the same room number, $2.25, signed by Mr. Burge, whom we have already identified. The next is dated October 18, 1962, the same name Lee Oswald, same room number, same amount, but this time signed by just one word, "Barker." Is this a Mr. Barker or Miss Barker?
Mr. Hulen.
Yes---Mr. Barker.
Mr. Jenner.
Is he also a room clerk or registration clerk?
Mr. Hulen.
Yes; he is.
Mr. Jenner.
And the last in this series is dated October 3, 1963, and in this instance it is in the name of Lee H. Oswald, and it shows an address, whereas, none of the other of the first four had an address, and the address is listed here as Toro [spelling] T-o-r-o, Calif. [Spelling] C-a-l.
I notice something on the flint of the series which I notice again on this one of October 3, 1963, which is the printing on the line, entitled, "Membership fees," and there is the word written in longhand, "service." That's true of the first and the last of these receipts- --what does that indicate?
Mr. Hulen.
That indicates that he was a serviceman and that, in my opinion, that waives the membership fee.
Mr. Jenner.
room number on the October 3 receipt is 601. That, as in the case of the others, indicates the room to which he was assigned?
Mr. Jenner.
On this visit on October 3?
Mr. Hulen.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Jenner.
That line says, "Room 601 to 10/4" meaning October 4, I assume.
Mr. Hulen.
I imagine----yes sir.
Mr. Jenner.
$2.25 is shown for the room and a dollar for the key deposit,
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