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CE 2501 - CE 3000
CE 2951 - CE 3000
CE 2951 FBI interview, Jerry Buchanan by SAs Allison Catlin and Joseph Boston, March 26, 1964
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 424-425 *
CE 2952 letter, FBI to Warren Commission, May 26, 1964, regarding followup investigation based on testimony of Carlos Bringuier
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 426-427 *
CE 2953 FBI report concerning article in February 2, l964 »Bohemia Internacional«, with translation
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 427-430 *
CE 2954 Fidel Castro speech, November 29, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 431-433 *
CE 2955 FBI report, May l5, 1964, concerning article in »Bohemia Libre«, December 22, 1963, by Dr. Herminio Portell-Vila
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 434-436 *
CE 2956 letter, FBI to Warren Commission, May l4, 1964, regarding »alleged letter« from Justice Dept. to Jesse Curry
WCH Vol. 26 p. 436 *
CE 2957 FBI interview with Mitchell Scibor by SA Francis Henwood, December 7, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 p. 437 *
CE 2958 FBI reports, June 4-5, 1964, with interviews of Walter Kirk Coleman and noting differences between Dallas Police Department and FBI reports regarding Walker shooting
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 437-441 *
CE 2959 SS report, December 3, 1963, concerning alleged prior knowledge by Cubans of assassination
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 441-442 *
CE 2960 Dallas Morning News, October 5, 1963, »Connally Tells JFK Texas for Democrats«
WCH Vol. 26 p. 442 *
CE 2961 letter, FBI to Warren Commission, September ll, 1964, regarding bus schedules of Continental Trailways and Greyhound, New Orleans to Houston
WCH Vol. 26 p. 443 *
CE 2962 FBI report concerning Greyhound buses leaving New Orleans and reaching Houston
WCH Vol. 26 p. 443 *
CE 2963 photo of Lee Oswald, said to have been taken at or near the time of his defection
WCH Vol. 26 p. 444 *
CE 2964 four photos of Lee Oswald shortly after his arrest
WCH Vol. 26 p. 445 *
CE 2965 photo of Lee Oswald at press conference, late evening, November 22, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 p. 446 *
CE 2966 memo, SS to Warren Commission, September l5, 1964, enclosing two FPCC handbills
WCH Vol. 26 p. 447 *
CE 2966A FPCC handbill with Lee Oswald stamped on it
WCH Vol. 26 p. 448 *
CE 2966B FPCC handbill with name »A. J. Hidell«
WCH Vol. 26 p. 448 *
CE 2967 photo of Main Street traffic sign directing westbound traffic to turn right onto Houston Street to reach freeway
WCH Vol. 26 p. 449 *
CE 2968 letter, FBI to Warren Commission, June 2, 1964, concerning markings on cartridges indicating how many times they had been loaded into rifle or revolver
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 449-450 *
CE 2969 FBI interview with Albert Bogard by SAs C. Ray Hall and Maurice White, December 9, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 450-452 *
CE 2970 FBI interview with Jack Lawrence by SAs John Woodruff and Leon Graben, December ll, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 452-453 *
CE 2971 FBI interview, Luis Izaguirre by SA William Oglesby, November 27, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 p. 453 *
CE 2972 FBI interview with Arnulfo Arreola by SA William Oglesby, November 26-27, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 p. 454 *
CE 2973 portion of FBI report indicating that confidential informants had no knowledge of Lee Oswald or any of his aliases having any contact with any communists or any activity in FPCC
WCH Vol. 26 p. 454 *
CE 2974 letter, FBI to Warren Commission, August 20, 1964, concerning C2766 rifle
WCH Vol. 26 p. 455 *
CE 2975 FBI interview with Curtis Crowder by SA Maurice White, December l6, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 p. 456 *
CE 2976 FBI report, August l4, 1964, concerning additional information from Gertrude Hunter
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 456-457 *
CE 2977 FBI report, May l9, 1964, regarding a rifle purchased by Robert Taylor
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 458-459 *
CE 2978 IRS report, including records of long distance calls from telephones available to Earl Ruby, October 24, l96l-December 2, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 460-462 *
CE 2979 SS report, February 4, 1964, regarding alleged connection between Ruby family and James Hoffa and/or Teamsters Union
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 463-465 *
CE 2980 memo, CIA to Warren Commission, September l5, 1964, indicating CIA files contain no data on Ruby or associates, letter, Warren Commission to CIA, May l9, 1964, requesting that information, and memo, Warren Commission to CIA, February 24, 1964, concerning Jack Ruby
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 466-473 *
CE 2981 FBI report, June 26, 1964, concerning William Duff
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 473-479 *
CE 2982 FBI interview with William Duff by SA Chester Millett, January 24, 1964
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 480-481 *
CE 2983 FBI interview with Dan Rather, June ll, 1964
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 481-482 *
CE 2984 FBI report containing interviews of Andrew Armstrong, Karen Carlin, Nancy Powell, Mrs. Marie Tippit, and Detective Gayle Tippit, 482-483 [report ends in mid-sentence]
CE 2985 FBI report, May 20, 1964, concerning J. D. Tippit
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 483-492 *
CE 2986 FBI report, identical to CE 2984, including the final page
WCH Vol. 26 p. 493 *
CE 2987 FBI interview with Sgt. C. B. Owens by SA Ralph Rawlings, December l0, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 p. 494 *
CE 2988 FBI interview with Russell Matthews by SAs Robert Barrett and Ivan Lee, December l3, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 p. 495 *
CE 2989 FBI interview with Elizabeth Ann Matthews by SA Robert Lish, November 29, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 p. 495 *
CE 2990 FBI interview with Karen Williams by SAs Alvin Zimmerman and Joseph Peggs, November 26, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 p. 496 *
CE 2991 FBI interview with Edward Rocco by SA Leo Robertson, December 23, 1963, and reports by SA Robert Barrett, James Bookhout, and an interview of Terry Friedman by SA Robert Whomsley, January 6, 1964
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 496-498 *
CE 2992 FBI report, December 3l, 1963, concerning the possibility that a photo (not shown) taken at the Carousel Club shows Lee Oswald
WCH Vol. 26 p. 499 *
CE 2993 FBI interview with Ray Brantley by SAs W. Brown and Alvin Zimmerman, November 24, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 p. 499 *
CE 2994 FBI interview with Lillian Brantly by SAs W. Brown and Alvin Zimmerman, November 24, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 p. 500 *
CE 2995 FBI report, June l8, 1964, listing telephone records of the Shady Oaks Motel, November 24-December 3, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 500-506 *
CE 2996 FBI report, June l3, 1964, concerning possibility that Earlene Roberts had been in San Antonio on November 21, 1963, when John F. Kennedy was there
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 506-507 *
CE 2997 FBI report, December 3, 1963, concerning possibility that Earlene Roberts had been in San Antonio on November 21, 1963, when John F. Kennedy was there
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 508-509 *
CE 2998 Affidavit of SS SA Roger Warner, August 4, 1964, regarding his interview of Karen Carlin on November 24, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 p. 509 *
CE 2999 FBI report concerning persons believed to resemble Lee Oswald
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 510-513 *
CE 3000 FBI interviews with Leslie Lawson by SAs Alton Bramblett and Lansing Logan, and Jack Hammond by SA Kenneth Hughes, December 5 and l7, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 514-515 *

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