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CE 2501 - CE 3000
CE 2851 - CE 2900
CE 2851 FBI interview with Benjamin Kanter by SA Dennis Shanahan, April 2l, 1964
WCH Vol. 26 p. 293 *
CE 2852 FBI interview with Lawson Jaffe by SAs Carl Hale and Robert Bertke, November 27, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 p. 294 *
CE 2853 FBI interview, Seymour Chazin by SAs Robert Villemure and Avery Dacus, November 28, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 p. 295 *
CE 2854 FBI interview, Seymour Chazin by SAs Robert Villemure and Avery Dacus, April l6, 1964
WCH Vol. 26 p. 295 *
CE 2855 FBI interview, Charlotte Chazin by SAs Robert Villemure and Avery Dacus, April l6, 1964
WCH Vol. 26 p. 296 *
CE 2856 FBI interview with George Fehrenbach by SA James Mullaney, April 29, 1964
WCH Vol. 26 p. 296 *
CE 2857 FBI report, July 9, 1964, including interviews with known members of the Communist Party to determine if Jack Ruby or Jack Rubenstein was a member at any time
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 297-299 *
CE 2858 FBI interview with unnamed source by SA Richard Hansen, April l4, 1964
WCH Vol. 26 p. 300 *
CE 2859 FBI report regarding Communist activity in Muncie, Indiana, based on September l8, l95l interview with Jacob Bonshire
WCH Vol. 26 p. 300 *
CE 2860 FBI interview with Lt. William Gaillot by SA Donald Hughes, November 30, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 p. 301 *
CE 2861 FBI interview, Milton Hiller by SA Herbert Bradshaw, November 28, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 p. 301 *
CE 2862 FBI interview with Leonard Hutchison by SA David Barry, December 20, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 p. 302 *
CE 2863 FBI report, December 9, 1963, regarding possible subversive background of Jack Ruby
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 302-306 *
CE 2864 FBI interviews with Thelma Marks and Sidney Marks by SAs Charles Grubb, Timothy Lagrone, and Robert Lawson, December 30-3l, l963 and January 8, 1964
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 307-308 *
CE 2865 records of long distance telephone calls by Earl Ruby from September 25 through »November 3l«, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 308-314 *
CE 2866 FBI interview with Leo Blumin by SAs Phillip Stewart and Peter Barnes, December 2, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 p. 315 *
CE 2867 FBI reports, February 27-April l7, 1964, regarding statement by Morris Tannehill that Jack Ruby was associated with communists
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 315-318 *
CE 2868 FBI report concerning allegations that Jack Ruby and Lee Oswald had been in the ACLU
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 318-319 *
CE 2869 SS reports, December 5 and l6, 1963, including FBI reports of Jack Ruby's status as a communist sympathizer
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 319-322 *
CE 2870 FBI interview with Walter Carlson by SA Clifford Huhta, December 9, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 p. 323 *
CE 2871 FBI interview with Natalie Reeves, November 24, 1964
WCH Vol. 26 p. 324 *
CE 2872 FBI report concerning associations between Jack Ruby and Morris Adelman, a Chicago area communist
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 324-326 *
CE 2873 FBI interview with Captain William Stevens by SA Regis Kennedy, November 29, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 p. 326 *
CE 2874 FBI report, July 7, 1964, concerning shooting at General Walker
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 326-329 *
CE 2875 FBI interview with Donnie Voorhis by SAs Alvin Zimmerman and Joseph Peggs, December 5, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 p. 329 *
CE 2876 FBI reports, December 20 and 23, 1963, concerning possible association between Jack Ruby and Lee Oswald
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 330-331 *
CE 2877 FBI report concerning anonymous phone call promising information about Jack Ruby and Lee Oswald
WCH Vol. 26 p. 332 *
CE 2878 FBI interview with Lennie Brown by SAs Glenn Silvey and William Michelsen, December 3, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 p. 333 *
CE 2879 FBI interview with Alvin Harrington by SA Carlos Kirby, December 4, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 p. 334 *
CE 2880 FBI report, December 5, 1963, concerning interviews of individuals, including William Gaudet, who furnished information concerning Lee Oswald or Jack Ruby but not suggesting any connection
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 334-337 *
CE 2881 FBI interview with Linnie Mae Randle by SA James Bookhout, December l8, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 p. 338 *
CE 2882 FBI interview with Wanda Killam by SA John Dallman and Neil Quigley, December l3, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 p. 338 *
CE 2883 FBI interview with John Carter by SA James Ward and Robert Basham, December l9, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 p. 339 *
CE 2884 FBI interview with Donald Stuart by SAs Ralph Rawlings and Edmond Hardin, November 27, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 p. 339 *
CE 2885 FBI interview with Donald Stuart by SAs Ralph Rawlings and Edmond Hardin, November 26, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 p. 340 *
CE 2886 FBI interview with Charles Arndt by SAs Ralph Rawlings and Edmond Hardin, November 26, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 p. 341 *
CE 2887 FBI interview with Morton Newman by SAs Jack Peden and James Garris, December 2, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 341-342 *
CE 2888 FBI interview with Connie Penny, nee Trammel, by SA Will Griffin, July 9, 1964
WCH Vol. 26 p. 343 *
CE 2889 FBI reports, June l7-l9, 1964, concerning background data on Wilburn Litchfield
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 344-345 *
CE 2890 FBI report, July 20, 1964, concerning William Duff
WCH Vol. 26 p. 345 *
CE 2891 photo of Lee Oswald in Minsk
WCH Vol. 26 p. 346 *
CE 2892 photo of Lee Oswald in Minsk
WCH Vol. 26 p. 346 *
CE 2893 photo of Lee Oswald, c. l953, Bronx Zoo
WCH Vol. 26 p. 347 *
CE 2894 photo of Lee Oswald as Marine
WCH Vol. 26 p. 347 *
CE 2895 FBI interview with Mrs. Marcelle Madden by SA John Quigley, November 26, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 p. 348 *
CE 2896 SS report, May 5, 1964, regarding the whereabouts of Father Walter MacHann and noted individuals including »Leopoldo« who alledgedly visited Sylvia Odio
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 349-350 *
CE 2897 portion of FBI interview with Floyd Davis, March l5, 1964
WCH Vol. 26 p. 350 *
CE 2898 FBI interview with Michael Murph by SA Neil Quigley, March l6, 1964
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 350-354 *
CE 2899 FBI interviews with Dr. J. D. Andrews, Thelma Massarini, Betty Engelbrecht, and Mrs. Marcelle Madden by SA Richard Bucaro, December 5, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 355-356 *
CE 2900 FBI interview with Sgt. R. M. Davis by SA Regis Kennedy, December 5, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 356-357 *

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