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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. IX - Page 343« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Ruth Hyde Paine)

Mrs. Paine.
once. There may have been another occasion, but my specific recollection is as to these two times.
Mr. Jenner.
Just those two times? You already told us about the time he went to New Orleans, he bought two bus tickets and then he cashed in one. That was in the spring.
Mrs. Paine.
That was in late April.
Mr. Jenner.
The same question with respect to telephone calls. You have already told us that was not a toll call from Dallas to Irving.
Mrs. Paine.
That is right.
Mr. Jenner.
Did he make telephone calls while he was at your home at any time?
Mrs. Paine.
Nothing except this one I have mentioned, the time and temperature.
Mr. Jenner.
What recollection did you have with respect to this purchasing of food for meals and whatnot either in New Orleans, Dallas, or in Irving?
Mrs. Paine.
In New Orleans he purchased all the food that we used while there. In Irving, then after October 4 I saw him buy a few items for the baby or for June, things that Marina had requested, but no groceries.
Mr. Jenner.
Now the same question with respect to clothing for himself, for Marina, and for June and Rachel. You have told us about the one instance in which he gave Marina some money to buy shoes for June, which was----
Mrs. Paine.
No, the shoes were for Marina.
Mr. Jenner.
Were for Marina, and this had occurred during the week of the assassination?
Mrs. Paine.
Our plan was to go out on Friday afternoon, the 22d of November, to buy these shoes. Just when he gave her the money, I am not certain. And these, of course, were not bought. I can think of nothing that was bought. Yes, one thing. When she was with me in the spring, late April to the 9th of May, she had some money from Lee for her own expenses, and she used a portion of this, I would think a rather large portion, buying a pair of maternity shorts, or they may have been Bermuda shorts, longer than that, slacks, even, possibly, but I know they cost nearly $5, and this was quite a large expenditure and quite a thrill. These were bought in Irving.
Mr. Jenner.
Was it your impression that they had or at least that Marina was afforded very limited funds?
Mrs. Paine.
That is distinctly my impression.
Mr. Jenner.
They never paid you anything, in any event?
Mrs. Paine.
That is right.
Mr. Jenner.
Now, the same question with respect to laundry. That would be laundry largely. I take it from your telling us about you and Marina hanging up clothes in your backyard on the 22d of November that neither you nor she ever sent any laundry out for cleaning or washing.
Mrs. Paine.
No; and Lee brought his underwear and shirts to be washed at my house, and then Marina ironed his things and he would take clean things with him on Monday.
Mr. Jenner.
So that as far as you recall, he made no expenditures for laundry?
Mrs. Paine.
That is correct.
Mr. Jenner.
At least during the time that Marina was with you.
Mrs. Paine.
At least during the fall; yes.
Mr. Jenner.
Any expenditures on his part to have his hair cut, that is, any expenditures to the barber, to a barber?
Mrs. Paine.
I guess there must have been such. I don't recall it having been mentioned. I certainly wasn't around.
Mr. Jenner.
We did ask you yesterday something about some local barber who seemed to think that Lee had called regularly on Fridays or Saturday morning at the barber shop. Your impression of that is that that was not Lee who did that.
Mrs. Paine.
That is my impression.
Mr. Jenner.
In any event, you don't recall him ever buddying with or having a 14-year-old boy with whom he went around while he was in Irving?
Mrs. Paine.
I certainly do not recall.
Mr. Jenner.
Would your recollection be to the contrary, that he did not?
Mrs. Paine.
My recollection is distinctly to the contrary.
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