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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. IX - Page 218« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of George S. De Mohrenschildt Resumed)

Mr. Jenner.
Purely professional organizations.
Mr. Jenner.
Have you ever participated in the affairs of--whether you have been a member of--irrespective of whether you have been a member of, I should say--any political action group, even such things as the American Civil Liberties Union?
Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. No; never even knew that it existed. I never even knew it existed.
You can see very clearly, I did not have time to do that. I am not interested in it. I told you before, I am not interested in politics, except when I want to improve something in our way of life.
Mr. Jenner.
In our own way.
Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. In our own way of life, then I start criticizing. But I certainly am not interested in somebody's political organization, because I am sufficiently independent to do it by myself.
Mr. Jenner.
And even when you become interested, as you suggest, in improvement or change, that has been largely an individual activity on your part?
Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. Yes. Occasionally I write letters to Congressmen--if you call that political action. I do. I write, I bitch very often. I write letters to the Congressmen and complain. I know the Congressman from Texas here, and I know--I write letters to people in Washington when I want to have something done about something.
Mr. Jenner.
All right. Now, you spent 2 months in Haiti.
Mr. Jenner.
And you returned to the United States.
Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. Returned to the United States.
Mr. Jenner.
Where did you land?
Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. We landed in--we came by Lykes--Lykes Line ship directly from Haiti to Louisiana, I think Port Arthur, La.
Mr. Jenner.
Lake Charles?
And the friends met us there and drove us back to Houston and then to Dallas.
Mr. Jenner.
Who were your friends that met you there?
Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. The friends there were two employees of Kerr-McGee Oil Co., by the name of George Kitchel, vice president, and Jim Savage, engineer.
Mr. Jenner.
You had known Jim Savage for some time?
Mr. Jenner.
And you had known Kitchel for some time?
Mr. Jenner.
We are now into 1962, are we?
Mr. Jenner.
In the early part of the year?
Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. That is right.
Mr. Jenner.
And you returned to Dallas?
Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. We returned to Dallas. We took another apartment in the same place very close to the same neighborhood we used to live 6628 Dickens Avenue. I felt an urge to write a report on our trip. I sat down and worked like hell writing this report. My wife started working--because we were getting short of money. We spent all the money on our trip--including this Haiti stay. And at the same time I started pursuing my profession and making oil deals like we do, doing consulting work, in Dallas.
Now, I should repeat again--I am glad you reminded me of some of those dates, because you have them written down, and I don't. So I cannot vouch for some of the dates.
Mr. Jenner.
Well, as a matter of fact, I have most of them in my head at the moment.
Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. You have a better memory for dates than I do.
Mr. Jenner.
Now we have you in 1962. Your wife went back to work for----
Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. She had broken her contract with a very large manufacturer. She had a very good contract--to come on this trip with me. She gave up a job of $15,000 or $20,000 a year, to go on this trip with me. And she had a very hard time reestablishing herself in her profession of designer.
So we went through a rather difficult time there for a year, and she started
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