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(Testimony of George S. De Mohrenschildt Resumed)Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. Well, we took--I took--we walked and found our way by the map, spoke to the people, collected samples. Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. Samples of rocks, of various rocks that seemed to have---- Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. We sent them back--we carried--all the stuff we carried on the back of a mule. We had a big mule that could carry 150 pounds. This whole thing is recorded in a book I have written. It is a manuscript I have 600 pages--day for day description of our adventures. If you are interested, I will give it to you. The publishers don't seem to be interested. It is now in the hands of a publisher in France, and they may publish it. Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. It is a little bit too dry. It is day by day--that is what I could do. Someday when I have more time, I will make it a little bit more colorful. But as it is now, it is a diary of our trip, day by day. Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. You see, that took quite some time each day to record what I saw, to record the geology, to record the observations I had of each place. Because we went to places that no white man has ever been in before, in many places. And certainly no geologist had ever visited before. We had some fascinating adventures. We were attacked many times. We were robbed. But we always came out all right. Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. We have a movie made of it, which I have here with me, because I would like to show it--I showed it to many friends in Dallas and in New York. It is an 8 millimeter movie which has about 1,200 feet--three big reels. This movie seemed to be quite interesting to people who like the outdoors. It gives you a complete sequence of our trip. Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. Well, we became completely native. We ate only what the natives ate. We drank what they drank. And we returned to civilization only once in awhile when we were in towns, in the big cities. Otherwise, we lived exactly like the natives. And that is how we were able to make a trip like that. We looked like Indians. They thought that we were Indians from somewhere. We were poorly dressed. All our cameras and equipment was covered by a piece of old rag, on top of that mule. In other words, we did not want to show to the people that we had money with us--we did carry money with us. Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. The trip ended exactly at the Panama Canal. At the end of the trip, we went to say hello to Mr. Farland, the U.S. Ambassador there. And we also met Mr. Telles, our Ambassador in Costa Rica. They know all about our trip. And there were many articles written about our trip in the local papers. Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. Local in Dallas--and local papers in Central America, small local papers. It was a purely geological trip, plus a desire to be away from civilization for a while because of the death of my son. That, I think, is sufficient reason. Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. No political implications. I am not interested at all in politics. Naturally, when I was going there I could not help seeing what was going on. The dictatorship in Honduras, the civil war in Panama, the guerilla fights. But itis all recorded in my book. But I had nothing to do with it.
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