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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. IX - Page 207« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of George S. De Mohrenschildt Resumed)

Mr. Jenner.
Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. I understand of her family--she also has Russian background. Her father was a director of the Far Eastern Railroad in China, and she was born in China and lived there.
Mr. Jenner.
Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. Yes, in Manchuria. Lived there until 1938. She came to the United States the same year I did.
Mr. Jenner.
That is a pure coincidence?
Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. Yes. We lived right next to each other in New York, and didn't know each other--right next door.
Mr. Jenner.
I understand you are very happily married.
Mr. Jenner.
Now, your wife's daughter, Christiana, she is where, at the present time?
Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. Right now she is in Copenhagen, Denmark, with her husband.
Mr. Jenner.
Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. They came to visit us in Haiti.
Mr. Jenner.
I was about to ask you that. When did that take place?
Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. They came to stay with us in December.
Mr. Jenner.
Of 1963?
Mr. Jenner.
And January 1964?
Mr. Jenner.
And where does your daughter live when her husband is in Alaska?
Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. She was in Alaska with him. They lived both in Anchorage and in Valdez. That is where the earthquake took place in both places.
Mr. Jenner.
But they are presently vacationing or traveling in Europe?
Mr. Jenner.
Do they have any children?
Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. They have no children.
Mr. Jenner.
What are Mr. Kearton's interests?
Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. Interests in life? Or professional interests?
Mr. Jenner.
Well, give me the professional ones first.
Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. Professional--he is--my wife will tell you more about him, although I know him pretty well, also, and I like him. He is of ultra conservative tendencies politically.
Mr. Jenner.
Please explain that.
Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. In other words, he is for Senator Goldwater, 100 percent. His father is a friend of Goldwater's. And----
Mr. Jenner.
Well, is he an aggressive----
Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. Very aggressive fellow.
Mr. Jenner.
Is he aggressive politically?
Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. Likes to discuss it, but I don't know whether he has any actual political--I mean whether he actually works to have Goldwater elected. But he likes him and freely expresses his admiration for him.
I don't think he is too much of a boy to go around and try to collect votes for Goldwater. He is too much concentrated on himself.
Mr. Jenner.
Does it refresh your recollection that you and your wife, Wynne Sharples, were married on the 7th of April 1951?
Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. That is probably it, yes.
Mr. Jenner.
And you were divorced almost exactly 5 years later, in April 1956?
Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. Yes, that is correct--5 years. I have the date clearly in my mind.
Mr. Jenner.
By the way, let me ask you this at the moment: Are you a drinker?
Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. Occasionally, but not too much.
Mr. Jenner.
This will be all right to state to you on the record. Of all the people interviewed, everybody said that you were, if anything, a purely social drinker, they had never seen you intoxicated or close to it.
Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. It is not true, because I have been drunk many
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