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(Testimony of George S. De Mohrenschildt)Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. Louisiana, Texas, the same company. And it was just--I was intending to return to Poland, because my father was there---I had very close connection with my father. Somehow I felt maybe it was my duty to be in the Polish Army. And it was too late. The last boat, Battory, which took the people--I never arrived in Poland. I reported to the Polish Embassy here in Washington. It was too late to join the Polish Army. Maybe all for the best, because I probably wouldn't be alive today. Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. You have to refresh my memory, because, as I say, I never expected questions like this. Sometimes if I make a mistake, it is not my intention. Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. Yes, yes; I am doing my best recollection. Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. Yes; that is right. Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. That is right. That is another venture I went into. Mr. JENNER. This was 1941? Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. Yes. Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. I have a distant cousin by the name of Baron Maydell. Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. A very controversial person. Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. In the sense that some people considered him pro-Nazi Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. No. I don't know that. But he had been an officer in the Czarist Army. He was a White Russian. And having lost everything through Communism, he saw the future of his return to Russia, back to his estates, through German intervention. Like many other White Russians. He possibly was more German than Russian--although he had been a Russian citizen, officer of the Czarist Army, and so forth and so on. A controversial person, no question about it. But I liked him. And he offered me to learn something about the making of documentary movies. Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. Yes--which is Facts--what was it called? Film Facts Incorporated. Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. And he had a very interesting movie there of the Spanish revolution which he made. And this movie was shown all over the United States and was backed by--this, again, is my recollection, because it almost escaped from my mind. This movie was backed by quite a number of people here. I remember most of them---by Grace, who is president of Grace Lines today. So we decided with Maydell that we could make another documentary movie on the resistance of Poland. This is already--Poland had already been occupied. The movies were made in Poland, I think, by Americans. I don't recall that exactly--by Americans who were there during the occupation of Warsaw. And Maydell had these movies in his possession, and we decided to make a movie for the benefit of the Polish refugees. Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. Yes. And collected money to that effect, small amounts of money from the sympathizers of Poland. To me it was actually a very pleasant experience. I tried to do my best, number one, to make some money; number two, to help the Polish cause.
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