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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. VIII - Page 358« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of George A. Bouhe)

Mr. Bouhe.
from Europe. Among these were probably 30, 40, 50 people, native of what I would say of various parts of the former Russian Empire.
By that I mean to say that they were not all Russian. They might have been Estonians, Lithuanians, Poles, Caucasians, Georgians, Armenians, and such, but we did have one thing in common and not much more, and that was the language.
It was a sort of constant amazement to me that these people, prayed God, for years before coming here while still sitting in various camps in Germany--they wanted to get to America, and if 1 out of 50 made a 10-cent effort to learn the English language, I did not find him.
So the problem was to help those people to be self-sufficient, self-sustaining, and as I earnestly hoped, faithful citizens of their new homeland.
Mr. Liebeler.
You gathered these people together and you formed a church congregation, is that correct?
Mr. Bouhe.
That's correct. Perhaps not all of the people, because I could not bring a Mohammedan into the Greek Orthodox Church, but anybody who wanted to come and worship in the Russian or Slovenian language was welcome.
And as you said, I organized--well, I did the organization work, really.
The godfather of it all to help us with finances was a very prominent well-known man who still lives here, Paul M. Raigorodsky.
Mr. Liebeler.
These people came together in an effort to help the people who had just come from Europe and who had difficulty with the English language become useful members of the community and become self-sufficient?
Mr. Bouhe.
I might have met the first one and maybe helped him to get a job or maybe took him by the hand and took him to Crozier Tech to learn English, because I have the great reliance on that.
Some of them were old or very elderly people. "Why do I have to learn English? All I want to do is get a job."
Well, maybe so, but I think we should look into the English language, too. And, of course, it was so long ago, maybe nobody realized or remembers the Crozier Tech, but I was there frequently, I would say, taking people by the hand and sticking them there.
Mr. Liebeler.
At the time did you meet a man by the name of George De Mohrenschildt?
Mr. Bouhe.
Yes; I did, who was then married to his wife number two, if my information is correct.
Mr. Liebeler.
That lady's maiden name was Sharples?
Mr. Bouhe.
That's right; from the main line in Philadelphia, and a daughter of a prominent industrialist and oilman.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did you also meet a gentleman by the name of Ilya A. Mamantov?
Mr. Bouhe.
I did meet him. I cannot promise the year, but somewhere around that time.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did there come a time when you met Lee Harvey Oswald?
Mr. Bouhe.
Mr. Liebeler.
Tell us the circumstances surrounding that event.
Mr. Bouhe.
I met Lee Harvey Oswald and his wife Marina, if my memory and records serve me right, at approximately on Saturday, August 25, 1962.
Mr. Liebeler.
Mr. Bouhe.
At the home on Dorothy Lane in Fort Worth, Tex., of Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Gregory.
Mr. Liebeler.
Who else was there at that time?
Mr. Bouhe.
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory, Lee Oswald, his wife and child, son of Mr. Gregory who was at that time a student at the University of Oklahoma in Norman, and Mrs. Anna Meller of Dallas, Tex., who was invited there for that dinner together with her husband who could not come, so I escorted her with her husband's permission.
Mr. Liebeler.
This was a meeting for dinner, is that correct?
Mr. Bouhe.
It was that.
Mr. Liebeler.
Who invited you to the dinner, Mr. Gregory?
Mr. Bouhe.
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