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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. VIII - Page 356« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of George A. Bouhe)

Mr. Liebeler.
I think Mr. Rankin sent you a letter last week telling you that we would be in touch with you for the purpose of taking your testimony in connection with your knowledge of Lee Harvey Oswald and his background, and anything you might know about the assassination or anything shedding light on Oswald's motive.
I am a member of the legal staff of the Commission, and the Commission authorized me to take your deposition pursuant to the power granted to it by Executive Order 11130 dated November 29, 1963, and Joint Resolution of Congress No. 137.
I believe we sent you copies of those documents in the letter which you have, and also we sent you a copy of the Rules of the Commission governing its proceedings and the taking of testimony.
Now the Secret Service, as I understand, called you on Friday and asked you to be here this afternoon. You are entitled to 3 days' written notice, and I suppose that we can say that you have received the notice since you received it on Friday, but I presume you are prepared to go ahead at this time?
Mr. Bouhe.
I am.
Mr. Liebeler.
Thank you.
Mr. Bouhe.
May I ask this? Is this my appearance before the Commission, or is it another step in the investigation preliminary to my appearance before the Commission?
Mr. Liebeler.
No. This is in effect your appearance before the Commission. A transcript of our report will be forwarded to the Commission, and it won't be necessary for you to come to Washington.
Mr. Bouhe, would you stand and raise your right hand?
Do you solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God, in the testimony you are about to give?
Mr. Bouhe.
I do.
Mr. Liebeler.
Would you state your full name for the record, Mr. Bouhe?
Mr. Bouhe.
George A. Bouhe.
Mr. Liebeler.
What is your address?
Mr. Bouhe.
4740 Homer Street, Dallas 4, Tex.
Mr. LIEBELER, Are you presently employed?
Mr. Bouhe.
I am a semiretired accountant. I do not have a regular job since about early 1963, but I keep a number of sets of books and prepare tax returns for many people for whom I was doing that in the last 10 or more years, in addition to my regular job, which I quit on my own volition after about 10 years, on or about April 30, of last year.
Mr. Liebeler.
For whom were you employed up to that time?
Mr. Bouhe.
For 9 1/2 years I was employed as a personal accountant of a very prominent Dallas geologist, and probably capitalist if you want to say it, Lewis W, MacNaughton, senior chairman of the board of the well-known geological and engineering firm of DeGolyer & MacNaughton, but I was MacNaughton's personal employee.
Mr. Liebeler.
Where were you born, Mr. Bouhe?
Mr. Bouhe.
I was born in what was then St. Petersburg, now Leningrad, Russia, on February 11 or 24, 1904, and the difference in dates is because we had the Julian and Gregorian calendar, and I have a baptismal certificate showing, February 11.
Mr. Liebeler.
Under the old Russian calendar?
Mr. Bouhe.
Mr. Liebeler.
That would be February 24 under the present day calendar?
Mr. Bouhe.
Mr. LIEBELER, Tell us when and how it came that you came to the United States.
Mr. Bouhe.
During the years 1920 through 1923 back in Petrograd, Russia, while I was finishing my high school there, which was called the Gymnasium, although it had nothing to do with athletics, I was working for the American Relief Commission as an office boy.
It was an association to which the American Congress allocated, I think, $100 million for the relief of the starving population of Russia.
The Hon. Herbert Hoover was Chairman of that Commission. He sent
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